I find myself reflexively trying to reload when I’m not even using a gun. Tried to reload a giant sword the other day. Very helpful.
Reloading a sword puts more sharp in it.
It does in Monster Hunter!
Ah yes, Lies of P
Playing melee characters and I keep joking to my friends that I’m instinctively spamming R to “reload my arms”.
Lol. Right?
It took me a few weeks of playing HD2 to train myself to stop reloading all the time.
Dang I didn’t know they made Home Depot 2, that’s dope.
It’s called Lowe’s. Lame name, but neat color scheme.
How’s it do that (I haven’t played it).
Magazine based reloading. Shoot 3 out of 30 rounds in a mag, drop the old mag, slap a new mag in, you’re down 27 bullets and have 30 fresh bullets to shoot, plus one in the chamber.
Oh shit
Your rounds remaining don’t magically fly into your next mag, they get left on the ground with the mag you just shot only a single round out of
Or, you now have a slightly depleted magazine on your belt. Depending on the game mechanics (and possibly the reloading method you choose).
In Helldivers you just pitch that shit on the floor, ain’t nobody got time to belt that back on, we’ve got bugs incoming
think you lose the bullets left in the magazine
Gaige in Borderlands 2 did it for me.
Gaige is my favorite character. I love the risk vs reward of the high anarchy stacks.
Killing Floor 1 vibes
KF is the kinda game where you really should reload whenever you have half a second to spare.
I know a few other games that have that kind of reload mechanic and it really makes me wonder why I am not just saving the magazines to use later.
Also: I literally just got Helldivers 2 yesterday. Maybe I’ll see you in-game sometime. 😃
In some games they do save the magazines but it isn’t common. You’ll cycle through all the full ones and go back to ones you’ve touched, using ones with more and more ammo until you’ve got none left. I know I was playin a game recently with that in it but I can’t tell you for the life of me what it was.
As for Helldivers 2, good luck Diver! Spread that managed democracy like butter. By the way, by now you may have found out that the Termainds are the source of the fuel that Super Earth needs for its FTL tech. That fuel is called Element 710. Turn that upside down lol
And if you ever wanna play Helldivers or something, lemme know! I’d be more than down to play.
Talking about reload mechanics, I think Tarkov has a pretty cool one that wouldn’t work for a lot of FPS but is a nice touch for that game. Basically pressing reload takes the mag out, puts it back in your pocket with whatever ammo you had left in it so you can reuse it later, or you can double tap reload to drop the mag on the ground and reload just a little bit faster. I’ve got plenty of problems with Tarkov, but I did always find that to be a neat touch.
It makes a lot of sense in Tarkov since you have to buy or find your mags which can be rare and quite expensive e.g the 20 rounders for the AA12, and you might be pissed to lose the few bullets left in it since good bullets are also expensive.
Ready or not also has that mechanic, there it’s balanced around the fact that you bring a limited number of mags in the operation and cannot resupply.
I used to do this years ago, and its mostly fixed to the point its broken again. 5/30 bullet in my machine gun? No reloading because enemy’s at the corner.
Helldivers and ARMA break this habit reallllll fast
Battlefield 2 had the magazine system as well.