at best the democrats don’t understand the assignment. at worst they understand this to be the assignment
i fear for the core of the party, it’s the latter, and that the majority is following that core because they don’t know the assignment
The last guy in charge was a corporate lobbyist so…
The dem party needs to be burned to the ground, I don’t think it is reformable at this point.
Yes, let’s pick a party and burn it to the ground. Wait, what?
At this point a total collapse of the USA’s 2-party-system seems the best of all realistic alternatives.
Because the Dems getting their shit together in less than 4 years certainly isn’t realistic.
The two party system can’t collapse without taking the whole government down with it. It’s baked into the constitution. Not in words as such, but in mathematical reality. I just want to be real about “realistic outcomes.” Fix the parties or rewrite the whole fucking shebang.
And that second option—there is a lot unsaid there about how that comes about, but it’s not by everyone embracing universal brotherhood and sisterhood and mutually agreeing on a better way.
The US government is like a beat up old car we try to keep on the road with Lucasoil and duct tape. We’ve needed to fix it a long time ago but we didn’t.
The car will eventually stop working and leave us stranded if we do nothing, but we also can’t afford to leave it at the mechanic for a week because we need to get to work in the morning.
The government will fall, people will be hurt by it, and we will have to make something new - note I didn’t say better - and it will happen at the least opportune time.
Couldn’t agree more. Especially that last part. New doesn’t mean better. We can hope.
I understand people being frustrated. Who isn’t. But these people lash out like children are just as bad as the people who caused this. It’s like our collective getaway car is a rusty Ford Pinto and they’re like “fuck that thing, burn it down!”
My man, that was our getaway car from fascism. Was that your intention?
If the new government is anything like new cars then every basic function will be behind a laggy touch screen and the government will track our every movement and sell it to insurance companies.
How much of the new government will end up being subscription-based?
EDIT: spelling correction
Ok, but now imagine the car was built by slavers to violent protect their disgusting privilege. Is it still worth “fixing”?
Ostensibly we’d have replaced those parts by now as part of basic maintenance
Let me know when you find a country that hasn’t done any horrible shit ever
Unfortunately, the two party system right now can probably only collapse into a one party system.
Always has been.
It’s all a racket. The parties work together
The path to that would have been through Dems taking power and doing something with it though.
We don’t have a two party system. Jesus fucking Christ. Anyone who thinks this doesn’t understand the system well enough to be making suggestions.
You’re totally right. We don’t have a two party system, we have a system where only two parties are large enough to win any kind of influence.
The fact that Democrats should be raising their voices as loudly as possible against this admin’s moves but instead a sizable 10 of them voted to censure the 1 Democrat who tried to in fact do that, tells you everything about the Democrats’ plans.
At this point, there are only a handful of them who are rallying their constituents and speaking out about this admin’s atrocities, but the majority is completely MIA. Then they wonder why their voters are MIA during the elections.
Then Why did you vote them out and give Republicans complete control over the government?
Ah, but they don’t work too serve us. They work to serve corporations and billionaires. We can fix that, but it will take a lot of relentless work and vigilance, before, during and after fixing it.
The democrats and thier party have been bought and paid for. They aren’t going to save us from the billionaires.
The Dems fielded a candidate with potential, in a binary race against the absolute worst candidate ever.
Voters chose a felon with a pattern of grifting and lies.
Those are facts.
Here’s the opinion: stop blaming the party for the people’s mistake. Just secede and be done with it.
The first job of a political party is to win elections, because that predicates action on any issues they care about.
Saying we shouldn’t blame the party for losing is like saying we shouldn’t blame a mechanic for not knowing how to open the hood of a car.
Uh, you missed a few steps. Like the people voicing concerns over Biden’s mental health and being told to shove it while the party hid him from public view as much as possible. And then when they couldn’t hide it anymore they still tried to gaslight us that we didn’t see what we just saw.
And then finally they succumbed to that public pressure when it was far too late to have an actual primary and rally as a party, instead being told to vote for someone who was candidate-by-default.
The Dems constantly try to pander to the right which only fuels their real enemy in elections: voter apathy. If they actually governed and gave more than lip service, they’d never lose another election.
Oh they’ve been wasted in the back of this party bus for a while telling everyone to calm down and stop being so frantic and everything’s fine.
Looking for leadership from the current elected officials is probably a waste of time. We need to take a tip from Republicans and find leaders outside of the government. Like Rush and Tuckers of the left.
Do we even have any of those? Notwithstanding the thought makes me sick. Rush was a lying, pompous, bloviating pedophile. Tucker is no better, and a Russian asset. These are not examples I’d like us to follow, even if they would be on “our side” whatever that would mean in context.
To be honest, HasanAbi is the only one I know of who is sort of a Rush replacement.
I’m not suggesting we support bad people at all, if that’s what you are thinking.
We really should have two major parties committed to upholding the Constitution
ZZzzzzzZZzzzz… Not interested in worshiping your holy fashy scriptures.
Politicians aren’t leaders. Stop expecting them to be. They exist to serve the people. If they don’t, then give them the boot.
We can’t give them the boot for a good while. I’m the meantime, what would you have us do?
This comment is cringe…
Thinking politicians are meant to lead you is cringe. I’m not a sheep, I don’t need to be lead. Their only job is to represent us. Unfortunately, they’ve been corrupted and only represent the ultra-wealthy.
Always has been.
Incomplete sentence. What always has been?