If Trump pardons him he still has 20+years of state sentence to finish, this is a distraction….
They are about to do the biggest grift ever with the tax cuts for the rich.
All of this is a distraction
The fact that Elon Musk is for pardoning someone who murdered an innocent person speaks volumes. Also, I can’t see how this wouldn’t lead to riots.
Why haven’t there already been riots? Of all the reasons to start widespread riots, hasn’t the last 2 months given enough of them?
This is the sleight of hand they want you paying attention to. Instead, keep an eye on the other hand;
Because that is the one doing the damage.
It kinda feels like both hands are doing a lot of damage…
The real trick is the fact that both of these do damage, and you can’t afford to ignore either.
Signaling to the police that the executive branch has your back and will support you when you kill poor black men is going to get people straight up murdered.
true, but also, there’s a point that laws don’t really exist anymore. it’s just gang shit. the cops are the gang that want to kill you rather than make a profit off you. there is no legitimacy, there is no reason to respect or obey them, and in fact they will kill you if you do.
Luigi 24:12
Elon trying to use this to distract from all the federal firings he’s done
If he gets pardoned I hope that will push the Americans harder to overthrow these sycophants. On the other hand it could be to try to trigger something so Cheeto Mussolini can crack down on the protests with violence.
There will be mass protests, looters will take advantage of these times. Martial law will be declared in those places and never given back. Nothing would make them happier
If the United States commits their military to enforcing martial law on their own soil then it’ll be more difficult for them to escalate their current economic wars into actual wars.
Nazi child of apartheid encourages elevated racial tensions, more at 11.
Really, really nasty move.
They just want to cause riots. Trump and Elon are agitators.
This. I’m convinced at this point they’re attempting to instigate riots so they can declare material law and seize full control over the US government.
I know it a typo, but declaring it, would be the last step of making material law the ultimate authority. Taking Capitalist Fromm late stage to endgame.
I agree. This is just intended to cause civil unrest to distract from everything else they’re doing to tear America apart.
But also, Musk is a Nazi.
That implies either of them have any intelligence.
They reeaally doing anything they can to get that martial law step started from their project 2025 handbook
Honestly, a part of me wants this to happen because I believe it would cause some serious protests.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but i believe that is the point.
I think it’s a reasonable assessment of the current situation. He wants/they want to put us in a situation where our military must or can be used to restore order. They want to normalize military use against US citizens.
It’ll be interesting to see how the next week or so plays out.
can’t wait to be interested
You conspiracy theorist!
Elon’s brain got damaged by ketamine usage. At his level of power and wealth, he basically runs the planet and the drugs embolden him to shamelessly call for whatever shits he believes
He’s basically Baron Harkonnen with a broken dick.
Gotta throw red meat to the racist AF base to distract from how fElon and his Incel Clown Posse is stealing from the American people…
Literally Orcs.
“But of those hapless who were snared by Melkor little is known of a certainty. […] Yet this is held true by the wise of Eressëa: that all those of the Quendi that came into the hands of Melkor, ere Utumno was broken, were put there in prison, and by slow arts of cruelty and wickedness were corrupted and enslaved. Thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orkor in envy and mockery of the Eldar, of whom they were afterwards the bitterest foes. For the Orkor had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance thereof, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindalë before the Beginning: so say the wise. And deep in their dark hearts the Orkor loathed the Master whom they served in fear, the maker only of their misery. This maybe was the vilest deed of Melkor and the most hateful to Eru”
Do you want riots? Because that’s how you get riots.
Yes, actually. Riots give them an easy path to invoke the insurrection act.
It’s so weird how people in power play the most dangerous games in countries where the population is not disarmed
for all the guns americans have, theyre clearly too cowardly to use them for anything outside of school shootings
Exactly. Just shows you what a bunch of pussies they really are. I’d kick so much ass in an elementary or middle school. i wouldn’t even need a gun.
Does your mom know you’re talking to strangers online?
I dunno. Ask her when you’re done with her.
You don’t get to watch our local news reports. Plenty of people get smoked every single day by gunfire. Fuck someone’s wife , cut them off in traffic , call them a snitch ,bump into them in a bar, throw snow from your driveway onto theirs 💥💥💥. It could be anything that gets a bunch of new holes added to your meat suit
Sure but they all whine they need them for incase government be bad. Now we have a situation and they are all quiet. The only reason Americans need guns is to make the small minded can’t see their own penis men fell powerful. I have never once in my life thought I sure would feel safer with a gun. Ok maybe but not in the city.
Is that supposed to prove Americans are not a bunch of cowards? Because it does the opposite.
lol…i live near Cleveland dude. trust me, i know.
My bad thought you were French or something /s
There was the one guy who tried to snipe the orange man at a rally, so there was that.
Are you just ignoring all the instances where this statement isn’t true or do those not count because two guys you don’t like are still alive?
I’m assuming you’re saying this because no one has killed Trump or Musk yet. That’s sort of nonsensical considering the former has had at least two attempts on his life in the last year. Important people get shot at on a fairly regular basis in America.
The first one wasn’t a real attempt. It was for the photo OP
deleted by creator
Greed make you do dumb shit.
and where we lack affordable access to mental health care!
Be careful with your reasoning, my friend. Just because they want it doesn’t mean they would survive it.
No reasoning my friend… Just a statement. You’re projecting think.
actually, yes. I think they do.
Not saying you’re wrong just want to understand youre thinking why would they want riots? Isnt that the only real threat to them?
Triggering division as an excuse for suppression is Dictator 101.
Your political opponents are lawless? That means you can legally crack down on them.
It has the side benefit of stirring the shit/divisions which is what keeps Trump in place.
Makes sense thanks for explaining
Mhm. It’s understandably counterintuitive, and indeed a problem for “regular” politicians.
You’d think it would make Trump lose support, and to some extent it does, but I guess you also have to understand how warped the US information environment is. Anyone who cares about George Floyd and actually sees this in their news feed would not support Trump anyway, whereas that’s not the case for nearly any past president. Supporters who see the riots would write them off as not Trumps fault.
Enact martial law, take over all legislation, be a dictator. Job done.
That’s why he’s firing everyone at the top of the military who isn’t a white male.
trump has been looking to apply the insurrection act since his first term. with the various sycophants in congress and the executive, there has never been a more opportune time (other than tomorrow, of course).
as to why… well, trump has gotten even more messianic since his first term. suppression of dissent would be a powerplay that may yield significant dividends, showing loyalists the need to stay in the camp and detractors what happens when you resist.
just my 0.02
Authoritarians equate fear with respect. Aggressively putting down a riot makes people scared = people respect them. It is the same reason Putin jails critics inhumanely or Kim kills families of defectors in NK. If people lose their fear of them these despots are powerless.
Huh. Makes sense then, the pardon. Jesus Christ.
Dude will still spend 22.5 years in prison even with a pardon.
Non American here, how does that work?
The president can pardon him on federal charges. He still faces the 22.5 years on state charges. Basically, he was convicted of murder in Minnesota, and then civil rights violations in federal court.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that is not the point.
I think the ultimate goal is martial law, and I think he is unconcerned about what triggers his ability to declare it.
That should go over well.
Nazi Musk does nazi things.
So which company building we burning down first? I vote for Wal-Mart.
How about a Tesla building? Or a government building?
Tesla do that on their own. If we did their building, people will think it was the same way.
Government build hurts the people. We will have to rebuild it again. Plus I want a building that will improve the community and a Wal-Mart building will accomplish that.
Tesla do that on their own.
Not often enough