TNG s6e7 “Rascals”
Here’s my question, why was the malfunction not replicated and monitized by the Ferangi as a beauty produced? “Look 10 years younger because you will be 10 years younger”
Or when they de aged Pulaski to her “proper” age, they could have just gone a few years younger.
Or when they are aged the people in this episode, maybe only age them into their early 20s.
The transporters open up all sorts of scenarios that they clearly show as possible, but no one ever uses it that way on purpose somehow…
It’s been a while since I saw that episode but weren’t they only able to do that because they had her most recent pattern stored in the buffer or something like that?
Sure, but they screw with things in transport all the time.
There’s an infection? Omit it on the beam up. There’s a weapon discharging? Disable it. Have a hard time beaming someone up? Beam them up twice and if one copy bounces back to the planet… Oh well. I seem to recall an instance of them doing surgery while in the pattern buffer too, which makes you wonder why they don’t just use the transporter buffer to do all medical treatment. If you are beaming up a critically injured person, don’t beam them directly to sick bay, just tweak them in the buffer.
Also, what all does the “pattern” contain? After someone has been “restored from backup” in these incidents, they always seem to retain the memory of how they were after the mess up. So clearly they keep their memories as they get merged/tweaked back to the pattern on file.
Of that’s the case, you could store the pattern for whatever age you want and always return to it in the future. I don’t really see that as an issue to the concept. Just more of a hassle, and obviously you can’t return to before you decided to start storing that.
Since they evidently keep info about people in transport as a matter of course (they used it a lot in TNG to make a point about someone’s medical condition), you’d think they would just restore you to healthy body instead of beaming directly to sickbay too…
I like to believe there are strict ethical laws in far future that are actually enforced, and built into the hardware. Like maybe an ethical local AI
But like everyone has the technology. I’m highly skeptical Ferengi would stand in the way of de-aging out of an ethical concern.
Ferengi… Ethic… Don’t make me laugh. To late roflmao
There’s only one question in the Ferengi ethical framework: Is it profitable?
I like to believe there are strict ethical laws in far future that are actually enforced, and built into the hardware.
Presumably only powerful people and Section 31 are allowed to use transporters to stay eternally young…heh.
Could have used that info a bit earlier.
One of the innumerable examples of sci fi tech not being used as it would IRL. It’s centuries in the future and they still steer the ship and fire the weapons manually.
They could literally sell it as immortality elixir, “Look and feel young forever!”
That episode was about a transporter mishap that turned Keiko, Ro and Guinan physically into 12-year-olds but mentally they were still adults. At the time I thought it was pretty lame to make anything “pedo” out of that situation. Keiko was an adult woman, married to O’Brien, presumably having a normal amount of sex, and suddenly she has a lot smaller body. How the two of them coped with this in their relationship was between them IMO. But people sure did go to town on it. One writer called him PedO’Brien, also calling a scene “particularly cringe-worthy” where Guinan and Ro decided to embrace their inner child and jump up and down on a bed. I dunno what’s wrong with people.
“We haven’t lost everything Miles, you can still work engineering miracles, and I can still criticize you for not being home often enough.”
Ah yes, the best quote out of context:
I mean, of course you’re my wife. But you’re also ten years old.
He’s nuts over her.
Wait … can they still fuck? Or is it problematic now? How old is she? Are mental age and physical age the same thing in this scenario? Does she still have her memories?
Woody Allen really needs these questions answered guys.
She is one of several characters with who the infamous 4000yo-dragon defense can actually work.
Fantasy: A 4000yo dragon/demon
Sci-fi: Transporter accident.
Anime Character: “I’m just a little baby girl.”
ProZD: “Zero [years old]?!”
Anime Character: “I’m a thousand!”
ProZD: “NOPE.”
Trying to answer this seriously, I’d say no. This is like, a Princess Bubblegum de-aging situation. She has her memories, but her brain and personality is now that of a kid. As opposed to like, Claudia in Interview with the Vampire who is an immortal child that wanted to be treated as the 70 year old woman she was.
But even in the Claudia instance I’d say no because it’s still just too gross. There’s just no getting past the body age thing. I guess I’d say Claudia could probably have a legal right to seek adult experiences (though she would only find sick weirdos), but Keiko and Princess Bubblegum should not.
Heck, even in Adventure Time Bubblegum loses the right to rule because she is too young, despite being a thousand years old or something.
This user writes ethical tng episodes
But even in the Claudia instance I’d say no because it’s still just too gross. There’s just no getting past the body age thing. I guess I’d say Claudia could probably have a legal right to seek adult experiences (though she would only find sick weirdos), but Keiko and Princess Bubblegum should not.
I’d argue that a real person in Claudia’s situation shouldn’t be discriminated against for what is ultimately a physical abnormality. I see it as a more extreme version or “dwarves shouldn’t be allowed to have relations with larger people because they look vaugely like children.”
I’d also argue that any media which depicts someone in Claudia’s situation finding love is probably some creep trying to find an outlet for their fantasies.
I agree she has the right to want that and seek love. But, she isn’t a dwarf. She’s literally a 5 year old (11 in the movie). And even if she recites Shakespeare, or can do multivariable calculus, or writes a graduate level research paper on why it’s ok for her to have sex, it would still physically be like banging a kindergartener. And I would HOPE that’s not something normal people would be OK with. That’s why I think she would be doomed to be with some kind of pervert.
But how would I know, I was proven very wrong about what average people think after the last election.
Definitely an outlet for creepy fantasies.
Even Molly is like “I can’t take their shit anymore”
Considering transporters are like 200-year-old technology by that point they fail a surprising amount of times.
Can you imagine if cars occasionally transported you to alternate dimensions, would we all just be fine with it? “”
Some people in cars get yeeted into non-existence, at least the alternate dimensions have cool moustaches.
Where is Craig he’s late for work?
Craig texted to say he is at work and everyone’s evil except the HR lady, so he thinks he might be in the mirror universe
Wacky stuff like that seemingly has been normalized over the years.
But the failure rate of transporters is probably low. With all the dangers of driving (accidents, weather, mechanical failures, etc) people still seem to have no issues driving
In fact driving is the single most dangerous thing many people do in their whole lives, and they do it every day…
Cars are kinda terrible. More than 1 million people die every year from car accidents. That’s ignoring deaths from pollution.
I mean cars do occasionally just burst into flames
Considering aeroplanes are like 100-year-old technology by this point they fail a surprising amount of times.
IIRC they even call transporters “the safest way to travel” at one point.
That’s also true of airplanes.
I would be fine with that.
Well, we don’t usually see a Day in the Life of a Normally Functioning Transporter. It’d make for a pretty boring episode. It’s kind of like “Well, where ARE the bathrooms on the ship? What do they look like? How do they work? Do they also use the three seashells?” I mean, getting an answer might be mildly interesting, but really… do we need to see the space toilet? They only kind of got value out of complaining about a lack of showers on Voyager.
Transporters are perfectly safe, and we just see those ultra rare times when they aren’t.
No, what you should really worry about is whether it’s you that arrives on the other end of that transporter or not. Is there a soul? Does it survive? What is actually transmitted down to the planet? What makes you you, basically? Some people find that line of thought the stuff of nightmares.
“How do you like your coffee?”
“Hot and black. Like my men.”
Wife: Would you still love me if I am de-aged accidentally by transporter?
Me: …
Bruh that was definitly my pick for weirdest and most awkward episode
Even worse than the planet of awful African stereotypes?
Right? People complain about “Spock’s brain”, while this is staring them in their eyes.
Fuck, that’s a tough one. At least that one has Lieutenant Yar. I love her. Underrated character. In general that one is probably worse though. The sexy planet one was pretty bad too.
Basically the reality show “Shauna Rae” with the misadventures of dating a 23 year old trapped in the body of an 8 year old 🤨🤨
Sometimes relationships do be like this though.