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Joined 6 days ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024


  • related to another comment I made, the materials they used just don’t exist.

    the wood they used to build a house in 1900 were from trees that were at or over 100 years old much of that time was never around humans or pollution. this means the growth rings were tight and dense. very sturdy. in California they were cutting down the great Sequoia red woods to build homes. much of San Fransisco still has redwood framing to this day. those trees are multiple hundreds of years old.

    compared to the white pine we used in framing today, the tree is anywhere from 5-7 years old and are bred to grow tall, and fast. this makes the growth rings loose and soft. sturdy enough.

  • in fairness, the materials were cheaper then compared to now only because they were practically raw materials.

    if you look at 17th century European construction and compare domiciles constructed for nobles vs commoners the only difference other than scale, is the quality of the post processing.

    example; walls in a manor were stone bricks and plasterwork. commoners used the stone laying around(free) and had no plaster. lords had slate roofs, commoners had thatched (free).

    as time marched on, the consumer market grew throughout the 19th and 20th century where homes were developed with manufactured/engineered materials. the cost of materials dropped due to supply and demand. lowest home development peaked in the 1990s.

    after 2008 and then 2020, building a new home is far out of reach of most due to costs of materials and land.

    one could say our ancestors had cheaper homes, but our ancestors would think we’re royalty if they saw the amenities we live with inside out homes today.

    either way, we peaked in the 90s and will never be as prosperous in our lives again.

  • I didn’t need help when I went to college. these lazy kids just need to get a paper route for the summer to pay for a semester or two. it couldn’t cost more than a couple hundred bucks for books and classes”

    what you did over your 25 year long career is irrelevant to what current people are going through. the rest of this is a rant on “boomer” mentality. I’m an xer myself, just sick of people perpetuating the broken ideals of the most spoiled generation.


    I’ve been in IT just as long but in the last 10 years I have been asked to learn the following under threat of becoming “irrelevant”; cloud computing, big data analysis, cryptographic signing and tracking of data, machine learning, and the most recent artificial intelligence.

    how the fuck are we supposed to keep up with this and maintain our family/home and maintain friendships and maintain our sanity all while juggling the roles and responsibilities weighing us down at work.

    in 2021 I worked over 3200 hours in the year. that’s double 8s almost every single day. part of that time was training time I was forced to comply with to make sure “the company remains competitive.” it also doesn’t include the 16 hours of training over the weekends that I couldn’t claim because, “if you can’t perform the responsibilities given to you within office hours provided then perhaps you should work from the office under supervision.” I think we all know what that meant. want to know what I did with all that training? I’ll let you know as soon as I use it.

    point is, the world got fucked up, and greedy pieces of shit at the top make the smaller greedy pieces of shit greed harder, and so forth. when will it be enough? when can we stop working on frivolous bullshit that’s going to be dropped and abandoned when “the next big thing” shows up? when can we start building shit that matters so much that we can’t just abandon it?

    so, what’s this got to do with YT? if I could have watched 200 hours of training videos for free online instead of taking multiple courses, homework, tests, etc; I could spent more time with my kids, or hobbies, or doing whatever the fuck I want. instead, I was stuck doing busywork for some other assholes bonus.


  • can you really blame us?

    let me run through the last 8 years of American history with four words, “we were lied to”. doesn’t matter from whom, doesn’t matter what. we’re constantly being lied to. truth is, it’s been true for longer than 8 years, but the last 8 have been especially transparent.

    we’re learning that the upper echelon only trusts the American public to do three things; consume, produce, and die. if you can’t even do that for them, you’re removed as an undesirable.

    so yeah, trust in the system is broken. it’s going to take at least a generation or two just to repair it ** if they work on it**.

    I can’t fault anyone who’s untrusting of a system that continuously covers lie after lie with more lies.