Anything: Series, video game, book, food, old toy from childhood, service, etc. Also, any series which you wish did not end, etc.
Anything: Series, video game, book, food, old toy from childhood, service, etc. Also, any series which you wish did not end, etc.
Mandatory Firefly comment
Also Pushing Daisies, Better Off Ted, Jericho, My So Called Life, Dead Like Me, Freaks and Geeks…
I’m here for Pushing Daisies.
Martin Starr is too cool now lol. Freaks and geeks might be hilarious with all the same actors now.
I imagine Bertram Gilfoyle is the adult that Bill Haverchuck grew up to be
I actually know Martin in real life and worked with him for almost a year and he’s almost exactly like his Guilfoyle character. He probably was Bill as a young person lol. The only difference is he’s super sweet but still has that dead pan sense of fuck you humor.
Lol that’s awesome
Last Man on Earth, too!
Why would Freaks and Geeks need another season? It ended fine.
Some shows are great in part because they knew where to end. F&G, AtlA, The Good Place all for example.
Better Off Ted and Dead Like Me, yeah
Better Off Ted had so much potential :(
Seems all the more relevant today. They should revive the series, as long as Phil and Lem are still around.
Cool. Cool cool cool.
Every time somebody mentions Firefly I automatically think of The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.
Bruce Campbell in a steampunk cowboy romp across the old west?
That show ended way too soon.
Dark Matter (the SyFy show), it was just getting good!
I don’t care, I’m still free, you can’t take the original series from me.
The title has two questions and this one only fits one of them.
Wish wasn’t cancelled, yes!
Wish they brought it back? No, it was a long time ago, and they made Serenity to close off the story and tie things up. It’s likely that bringing it back would do more harm than good.
There’s talk of a reboot, and that’s not what anyone wanted at all…
If they did another series they could do it without rebooting, just a different set of characters in the same ‘verse. Maybe meeting the originals at various times.
I have zero interest in that either. Those specific characters were the whole appeal to that show.
As long as we’re on cancelled sci-fi shows, Babylon 5 spinoffs. The entire setting is more or less dead and it hurts.
(Yes, I know about The Road Home. It’s not the same.)
Problem with that is that almost everyone who was interesting is dead. Actor wise.
Yep. (Mira Furlan was a real punch in the gut, particularly.)
Man, that show was so likable, but I could never get over the pro-Confederate vibes, even with all the staff denials.
Call me crazy, but if I was going to bring back a series doomed by its association with Joss Whedon I’d give The Nevers another shot. I thought it was fun and then the Whedon thing happened and Covid happened and people seem to just have agreed it wasn’t worth it and gone home.