• 4 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024


  • Got to do it in stages so it doesn’t look too premeditated.

    Start a online auction site where people can sell their stuff and you get a small cut of the profit.

    Then to help people on board start a payment processor company to ensure that the sellers ship their goods and that buyers pay.

    Once that has established, go public with it so that your stock sales can support the existence of your current portfolio while you dabble in other things that you know are very profitable.

    Once you have that going, which will take a few years. You can take a victory lap or two and maybe pay some PR firms to make you look like the cool rich kid on the internet that everyone wants to hang out with.

    Then you can do stuff like starting a spaceship company and helping to bring about the end of the internal combustion engine by starting an electric car company and doing some solar panel stuff.

    Eventually you’ll be the richest person on the planet and then you can get to doing the really fun stuff assuming you don’t like tank all of your personal reputation by blowing 20% of your net worth on a microblogging website or something while disavowing your trans daughter.

    I mean, if you’re smart enough to do all the other things surely you wouldn’t blow it at the five yard line like that.

  • I have to agree with you. That is a very common trope in anime, sometimes they deserve it but most of the time they are Mary Sues, and it rankles me.

    That being said, it’s escapism, it’s fun, it’s like, what would I envision heaven to be like.

    That being said, I do wish writers would focus more on having actual problems to solve and that there would be real stakes in the storyline for the main characters to overcome where there is a real risk of loss.

    Being OP is super fun for one season but when season 2 rolls around it’s not fun anymore.

  • Kubuntu.

    The prevailing wisdom used to be that if somebody is tired of Windows and wants to switch you would send them to Ubuntu. Having used Ubuntu and Debian and Mint and Pop! OS and CentOS and Red Hat and Fedora and Kubuntu, Kubuntu with the new KDE plasma desktop seems to be the most Windows like while still retaining the Linux flavor OS that I have used so far.

    Ubuntu by comparison is slow and convoluted and those are huge turn offs for neophyte Linux users who want to get away from Windows.