Ok now I’m curious about what the fuck the two centipedes I found in my basement that I thought were fucking were actually doing. They sure looked like they were fucking.
They were wrestling. Go back to bed.
wrestling 😏
“Step-centipede, what are you doing?!”
I don’t know how to boil the water ~~~
Maybe they were those queer centipedes that fuck in person. Degenerates
They do it just for fun! Gross.
Don’t humanize centipedes! That leads to strange and disturbing things…
too late
Too late
Too Late
There are way, way more “centipede monster girl” image results… DuckDuckGo/Google
Caterpillar girls are fine though.
Eww, making it a head tail is so much worse!
Just makes me wonder if it’s a centipede girl or a centipede that ate a girl’s brain and puppets her body around.
I draw the line at 8 legs.
Avatar checks out.
Those are clearly millipedes
Thanks, I hate it
The head tail goes hard
That top one is from momodora right?
Oh actually yeah looking at the momodora character again its not even a resemblance besides the white hair and being a centipede
Someone has already centipedized humans. This is the next step.
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Just gonna take a quick stroll over to rule34.xxx and see what there is to see…
Edit: Jesus fuck 638 results. We just needed ONE to confirm the rule, but 638?!
And three movies that never should have been made.
Gonna put put my dick in a centipede
When two centipedes
love each otherare both really hungry…A disappointingly large proportion of the general population appears to be unable to tell the difference between centipedes and millipedes. Is it possible that the “centipedes” you saw were actually millipedes? If so, they may have been “fucking”, or at least the millipede equivalent of it.
Additionally, it appears that this “fact” is actually wrong (big surprise, huh?). Many species of centipede do have courtship strategies that involve males and females meeting up. The sexes may even employ various forms of physical touch as part of the process. So, it’s certainly possible that the critters you saw where centipedes courting each other.
Assuming this is actually representative of the difference, it was definitely a pair of centipedes.
I’m not surprised in the least that at a minimum it’s more complicated than the meme suggests, and now I’ve learned far more about centipedes than I ever wanted to. Thanks!
millepedes are gross. centipedes are scary
Centipedes see other Centipedes as food, which is why they reproduce this way.
Source: made it up, but it seems logical. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They could have been fighting. Maybe there was a lack of available food or fluid.
maybe they’re just the cuddly-type except for the distancing-fucking
EDIT: I just realized this is Zizeks perfect romance as described by him
The last time I left sperm packets on the ground I was branded a “pervert” and a “freak” and told to leave the restaurant immediately before they called the police.
Have you tried growing 98 more legs first?
Or at least 28 more
I think they always have an odd number of pairs, so 96 or 100.
You need to dress it up as geocaching.
Sooo are centipedes like fruit flies and not engage in any real form of sexual selection, or is the female going around judging the fuck out of every jizz pile she encounters?
“Mmm-mm, look at that poor viscosity, obviously from a low-quality male. This one on the other hand: deep color, firm texture, nice and sticky… clearly produced by a male with the superior genes I want to pass along to my offspring.”
I’m upset no ones chimed in with a really technical breakdown and linked some studies
I am tempted to research it but I don’t want to be on another list
So, this is off topic, but it’s so wild I had to include it:
Sexing centipedes is no easy task, most species cant be sexed at all visually. Try to avoid sexing them if you have no intention of breeding, as risks far outweigh rewards and you could easily kill your centipede as well as causing a lot of unneeded stress.
To sex your centipedes (make sure you’re comfortable, as this is a very risky procedure). Put the centipede in a glass or plastic jar with a small hole in the lid, start filling the jar with water until its full. Keep an eye on it, once your centipede becomes unconscious remove it from the water and place on some paper towel. The sex organs are found in the last segment, apply slight pressure to the second last segment and they should pop out. Take some high quality pics and compare them to pics available online. You can also knock them out with CO2 gas.
I’m running out of time to find real husbandry, but I imagine it’s a rather hands-off affair
Whattt. That is absolutely wild. Well now I have to learn more.
Centipedes are all perfect beings and need no selection
Or just slip in it like a banana peel and boom pregnant
The DoorDash approach to sexual reproduction. Fantastic.
Oh boy, the jar arrived!
And a complementary turkey baster, too!
have you seen a centipede? completely unfuckable
…unless you are a leg man…
Now im imagining a centipede sticking out fifty pantyhosed legs from around the corner while catcalling its mark.
This sounds like a Far Side panel.
Woah there buddy, please don’t fetish shame.
Taking “hit it and quit it” to the next level.
Skeet and yeet.
So THAT’S how Vance & his wife have kids: he leaves her some fresh sperm in the couch
damn, the lore thickens
I was ready for lizard people but bug people is where I draw the line.
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Most cephalopods die after mating. Their sex hormones make them go crazy and they stop looking for food except to eat themselves occasionally. Once the sex hormone glad starts pumping them out, it doesn’t stop until they die a horrible death. Live fast and die young.
I was very excited about humanity killing itself off and letting the superior line of sapience take over until I learned this fact. It’s going to be a bit before the octopi are ready to create a civilization.
They don’t do any parenting, either. Nor do siblings ever team up. Baby octopus just has to take care of itself, alone.
It’s weird, they’re so intelligent, but don’t teach anything to the next generation.
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Sooner or later some octopus will survive beyond reproduction and then we can welcome our new mollusc overlords
Some deep sea cephalopods do, it’s just not the norm.
Squid siblings often team up. Very social animals with communication done by color flashing. Humboldt squid have a very high social intelligence compared to a solitary animal like most octopus. Unfortunately that live fast and die young still applies. They need to hunt to grow and they’re not adverse to cannibalism. Still, need to be smart to team up and hunt with a crew that will eat you given the opportunity.
That is bizarre!
Makes sense for the animals that spray their offspring en masse
I’ve met people like this
You mean you have to choose between a life without sex and a gruesome death? … Tough call.
Does this mean jd vance is a centipede?
He is also a human.
A human centipede, some might say
Does his wife think human centipede is a tour de force?
Evidence? Proof?
Pretty sure he signed on for the Putin-pede (his head attached to trump’s rump, trump’s face in Putin’s ass)
Good for him that his wife found the packets in the couch.
Just wrote that. Should have read comments first. Like minds & all.
Huh, guess I’m a centipede then.
what do you mean by this WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THIS
I’m assuming he’s male, but no females are collecting his packets.
your honor it’s not baby trapping he left those condoms out on purpose
You know what I mean…
I’ve heard that this is how incels reproduce.
Don’t pick up crusty socks
Relationship goals.
So we’re just walking around and stepping on centipede cum?
Unless the centipede female are very efficient
I’m pretty sure this is how the junkies in my town reproduce.
That’s amazing