For real though, I get goosebumps every time they come up with some novel use for the navigational deflector and save the day.
OC in that I made it just now, but it’s very likely not the first time this comparison has been made.
Didn’t Voyager use it to enter fluidic space?
Memory Alpha:
In 2374, the ship’s main deflector was modified by Seven of Nine to generate resonant graviton beams to open a quantum singularity into fluidic space. (VOY: “Scorpion, Part II”)
“Captain, we can use the main deflector dish to ward off third act problems.”
That’s what the Prophets are for.
“The prophets: the solution and cause to all our problems”
Is that from the episode when the Enterprise and her crew got trapped in the meta universe? Lol
I mean, it makes sense for the purposes of the lore. The deflector is the largest power using device on the ship that isn’t the shields, and it can direct that energy outward. It can’t solve every problem, but any problem that can be solved with “we need a lot of energy shot at this thing” then the deflector dish is what you use.
I don’t remember which episode it was, but they basically state this about the deflector in one of them… TNG or Voyager, specifically.
TNG Best of Both Worlds part 1
Georgie says of the main deflector it’s the only thing they have that can emit that kind of power at controlled frequencies.
Not true. Hugh recognizes his mother on the right.
He did have his mother’s hands for sure. lol.
It’s pretty handy. From Memory Alpha:
Ensign Beckett Mariner used radiation from the main deflector in combination with parizene gas to reverse the partial transformation of the USS Cerritos by terraforming emulsion in 2380. (LD: “Moist Vessel”)
The “and more” is doing a lot of heavy lifting lol.
Voyager alone has 11 alternate uses for it. Crazy shit.