• downpunxx
    42 months ago

    unpopular opinion/secret admission: the only kinda sushi fish i like it maguro (bluefin), and ebi (cooked shrimp) and that’s it, trying all the other stuff was interesting but i didn’t like it.

    sushi quality bluefin from the market is insanely expensive, and while you can freeze it for later use, i found after everything, all things weighed out and considered it was lovely to have but not necessary for me to enjoy the experience.

    when it comes to sushi i most like the taste of the pickled ginger/wasabi/soy sauce/rice. so I learned how to make sushi rice at home, found a little sushi rice nigiri press, and eat little rice balls with all the other accoutrements every week or so.

    • @superfes@lemmy.world
      52 months ago

      I may also have the unpopular opinion that you’re allowed to enjoy things however you like them o_O

    • @kautau@lemmy.world
      22 months ago

      Yeah I’m not a big fan of maki (rolls) or nigiri (fish laid on rice) but I absolutely love good salmon and maguro sashimi (esp. with ponzu for dipping) with some rice on the side

      Whenever I go out for sushi with friends and they get unlimited sushi it’s funny just eating sashimi and not eating the crazy roll concoctions they order with like 9 different fish and 8 sauces

    • @CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee
      12 months ago

      I may need to try that “just make the rice ball” idea… while I love salmon nigiri - I also agree that i love that rice ball dipped in the sauce concoction. off to search!

      • downpunxx
        2 months ago

        it’s really simple, and it costs next to nothing. i buy the wasabe paste, and the pickled ginger at my local asian market, both last forever. i make the sushi rice with calrose medium grain rice (on the stove or in the rice cooker) 1:1 (1/2 cup sushi (calrose works great) rice + 1/2 cup water), after it’s done, i make up the sushi vinegar (2 TBSP rice vinegar + 1/2 TBSP Sugar + 1/2 tsp table salt, heated in microwave for 20 seconds), pour out rice into rectangle pan, pour over with warm sushi vinegar, mix (should be sloppy wet, it’ll soak up), let sit uncovered for 1 hr, then it’s ready to shape into nigiri or balls, or cover for up to 6 hours on countertop.

    • @FBJimmyOP
      22 months ago

      Haha, funny you should say that, my friend I often share this platter with always orders an entire dish of Unadon on the side to compensate

  • @CraigeryTheKid@lemm.ee
    12 months ago

    salmon is my jam - I quite often order “switch everything to salmon” since I don’t get to go out very often.