Obligatory “not today” disclaimer: actually fucked up over two decades ago, but found out today.

At the dawn of theinternet, I made an account on imgur. I figured (correctly) that I wasn’t going to use it often enough for the username to matter much, so I just went with the first part of my email adress and a number four times.

Turns out that there is such a thing as nazi number code and it’s never a good idea to use an even number of 8s for usernames when you’re not a nazi.

TL;DR: Didn’t know about nazi code, accidentally selected an imgur username ending with the equivalent of a double Hitler salute

  • TwilightVulpine@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Like they say, is it paranoia if they are really going after you? We aren’t at a point this is speculative anymore. I have seen people parading in nazi paraphernalia. Just this week in my country a teacher got assaulted and threatened at gunpoint by a cop for reprimanding his son for doing a nazi salute.

    I’m a bisexual man. I see how hate movements have successfully codified their persecution of trans people into law in many places around the world, and how they are already moving to attack gay people, women and people of color.

    There’s no escaping the stress if this sort of stuff ends up affecting me and the people I care about. The stress might be the least of the problems.

    Frankly I don’t know how you can exist on the internet and remain entirely oblivious to how hate movements have gained momentum lately. It’s not a question of whether it’s going to happen, just seems like you are lucky not to get affected by it.

    • ReCursing@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      The tool posts to a community called “conservative”, and makes vaguely dogwhistle posts. Odds are they’ve never had a thought they weren’t told to think in their life

      • TwilightVulpine@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Yeah, I see now how they are posting about DeSantis and defending the loss of rights of LGBTQ+ parents in Italy.

        I was trying to discuss in good faith but here we have an example of how even this supposedly unconcerned neutral sort of talk is used with partisan intent. So what can one expect from outright nazi symbols?

        • ReCursing@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Yeah, fascists never debate in good faith, because they don’t actually have a single valid point to defend

      • TwilightVulpine@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        You are showing your whole ass here. just spewing blatantly false and off-topic conservative fearmongering right after lying about how you don’t worry about hate movements. Now it’s clear why, you are part of one.

        But just not to leave your bulshit unanswered

        1. The only people mutilating minors are intolerant parents and doctors who force intersex children to conform to binary sexes before they are old enough to make decisions for themselves. Children are not prescribed surgery. At most, trans kids get fully reversible puberty blockers to prevent the irreversible, deeply distressing effects that the wrong puberty would have on them. Which is the recomended treatment approved by medical organizations.

        This whole argument of yours also reeks of “gay men have the same rights to marry a woman”. Different people in different situations have different needs. Cisgender kids also get treatment for precocious and anomalous puberties, and nobody complains about that.

        1. Extreme right politicians have been gaining proeminence and pushing for persecution of minorities in the US, where I live in Brazil and all over the world. Whether they are under the label “nazi” or just act like them is a minor semantic distinction, but it sure doesn’t help when they dress up like them and repeat their talking points verbatim (like a former Secretary of Culture in my country). If that’s not enough for you the growing popularity of Alternative für Deutschland in Germany is as close as literal nazis as you’ll find. Not to mention when they start talking about jewish people too.

        And it’s interesting the similarities between the current fearmongering against LGBT people with the nazi’s own use of that, with the talk of “seduction of the youth”. It’s worth remembering that the nazi infamous book burns started with an institute that researched sexuality, including topics about gay and trans people. Like they say, history doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes.

        1. The internet is definitely full of lies and edgy kids saying outrageous stuff for a laugh, but one thing that has become abundantly clear over the years is that many people are getting radicalize to either mean it for real, or to be willing to take the “joke” so far as to ruin people’s lives, which is effectively identical. Yeah, a lot of people are lying, including they ones saying that they are just joking about it.

        Politics and laws are already being actively affected by online extremism. It would be at best complete obliviousness pretending nothing being said matters, but at this point it’s clear you are actively trying to deceive and gaslight, because you spelled out that you are for the persecution, and that’s why you were soooo unconcerned by it.

        • Blamemeta@lemmy.world
          1 year ago
          1. Puberty Blockers have not been shown to be fully reversible, and there’s many side effects that aren’t. Kids are being sterilized and having their bones fucked up. Blocking puberty now does not mean puberty later. Here’s the NHS on it. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/treatment/ (Scroll down to the section on puberty blocks. TLDR: Long term studies have not been done. Here’s the Mayo Clinic on it, basically saying the same thing. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075 but specifically mentions bone density and fertility.

          2. Define “Far right” and “Nazi” because I heavily suspect you just call everyone to the right of Marx far-right.

          3. Well, at least you agree about the lies.

          • TwilightVulpine@kbin.social
            1 year ago
            1. You are severely misinterpreting what these links are saying


            Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.

            Although GIDS advises this is a physically reversible treatment if stopped, it is not known what the psychological effects may be.

            From the age of 16, teenagers who’ve been on hormone blockers for at least 12 months may be given cross-sex hormones, also known as gender-affirming hormones.

            These hormones cause some irreversible changes, such as: […]

            This is referring to hormone replacement therapy, not puberty blockers. Something that is only prescribed at 16, when they old enough to drive or join the military.

            And as much as the long term psychological effects of hormone blockers are unknown, what is know is the psychological effects of forcing transgender kids to undergo biological puberty: Severe gender dysphoria that leads many to commit suicide.

            But I guess the distress of trans kids does not matter to you. You just want to pretend that they don’t exist, and mandate it so that they don’t exist.


            After a time of adjusting to puberty blockers and confirming gender identity, gender-affirming hormone therapy might be an option. This can develop masculine or feminine secondary sex characteristics to help better align the body with an individual’s gender identity. Some of the changes triggered by gender-affirming hormone therapy cannot be reversed. Others may require surgery to reverse.

            Same here.

            Do you get it though? The irreversible changes in question include what transgender people go through when they don’t have access to puberty blockers.

            1. I won’t even bother. Not only you ignored specific examples but you are just spitting recycled clichés. For someone so concerned with who gets called a nazi you don’t take a moment to smear whoever you disagree with. I wasn’t even talking about you to begin with.

            But if you were so above political extremism, you shouldn’t be getting on the case of trans people. Which you insist on just as you say there’s no need to worry about hate movements.

            • Blamemeta@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              I just lost my comment when i hit the reply button, and I honestly don’t care enough to type it again.

              Long story short: there are side effects, it is not “fully” reversible, fuck you

              • TwilightVulpine@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                So you are just burying your head in the sand and pulling conclusion out of your ass since you don’t care how many trans kids die so that the extremely minute number of regretful kids won’t have to deal with treatable temporary side effects?

                Very revealing how selective this care for children is.