Did any of them have stickers like “I bought this before Elon became a Nazi?”
My friend bought such a sticker for her car in Australia.
I don’t get it. We should not be early adopters of electric vehicles? The author may well be overcompensating for being a past Elon fanboi.
Love Betoota in general but they sometimes miss the mark.
bummer, but was anything of value actually damaged? is the concrete under them ok?
Oh no, are the background trees ok?
That can’t be good for the environment…
If it forces people to stop financially supporting Musk it might actually be a net positive for the environment.
It’ll get teslas loading the sentry camera feeds live to the cloud
How is burning cobalt batteries in the hope of killing an ev company good for the environment?
I’m curious if insurance pays out more than trying to sell it. Are there those who would be happy to take the insurance money, and buy something non-American with it?
Typically in cases of economic nonviability to repair, insurance pay you what’s called „Verkehrswert“, so, around that what they think you’d get if you had sold the vehicle directly prior to destruction. And their estimates fucking suck. I got around 1500€ for my motorcycle when I was hit by an old lady who wasn’t able to see me driving directly in front of her. The only comparable bike I found on the market afterwards was 4000€.
I don’t understand the support for this. How is it that someone who’s bought what was - for years! - the best EV available, is getting in the crossfire of musk hate?
Destroying private property in protest is just stupid. Take on the cooperations, but not the other 99% trying to get by.
Tesla owners might/might not be 99%, most tesla owners I know are if not in top 1% definitely in top 5%, edge of top 5% isn’t crazy rich compared to the other 95%.
That being said most developed places like Germany, these cars must be insured there is a good chance that other than some trouble of going without a car for a short while, Most of the damage is stock of tesla as mor e people would be afraid of buying them.
Vandalism is not necessarily covered in each fully comprehensive insurance and not at all with partial. Additionally the owner has to cover potential damages to the environment caused by the fire and leakages. My parents had to cover multiple thousand bucks for leaking gasoline into a nearby pond after their cars have been set on fire.
The Tesla Model Y has been the best selling car for months if not years and if it was not the top 1 or 10% buying multiple of these cars, they will have been bought by regular citizens.
Talking about the top 1% or even 10% by wealth we will be in the region of at least multiple million dollars of net worth.
So no, burning private cars - especially the ones parked on public streets - will not harm the rich nor the company.
Since they’re expensive, I’d expect most of those to be leased or bought with a loan
I don’t get the “fuck those regular people for buying a car made by a pretty damn good company that happens to be owned by a Nazi”
People bought cars like that on 5 year loans
Well it’s one thing if you bought it a decade ago, before we all realized how much of an ass he is. It’s quite another if you bought it after the reality came out.
I say this as someone that owns Starlink equipment, though the service is currently paused, with no plans to unpause it (since we can no longer work remotely, Elon). Unfortunately, Starlink is essentially the only option for remote internet service, but there are a lot of different vehicle options.
So you bought your starlink in 2015 after which you reckon we should have known Musk was acting like a Nazi?
10 years.
He was maybe an arsehole 5 years ago. He wasn’t clearly Nazi until the lead up to the recent election
Oh it’s much worse, I bought it in 2022. Unfortunately options for that type of service are extremely limited, in fact that’s the only one. I held out because I was hoping he’d have to sell SpaceX after the Twitter debacle.
We pause the plan and use it as little as possible. We thought we might use it again this summer, but his decree means we don’t need it. The money is nothing to him, I know, but it’s amusing that his actions directly mean he won’t get more from us.
5 years ago, the regular, non-terminally online citizen probably thought of him as the internet genius he and the media portrayed him to be.
I won’t say i support the hate against Tesla owners per sé. But i’ll try to establish the reasons for wider community anger, and draw the line to the cars.
Musk has had a little army of Muskovites worshipping him as a genius-can-do-no-wrong type for years. Their blind esteem has critically helped propel him to his position, doing the damage he’s doing.
I’ve known one, so i’m speaking from experience when i say it was genuinely hard for them to accept Musk could even be incorrect. They’re very cultish, and should endure approbrium, or at least be ignored a little.
This is of course where the reaction to Musk gets dumb. Tesla owners are probably being targetted, i haven’t seen individual Tesla owners myself have that, but i’m a world away.
I think targetted unfairly, is due to the brand close association to Musk. Its lazy and almost as bad as the hero worshippers themselves, but its a physical symbol of his influence, and symbolism is powerful.
I don’t think you’ll find many of those.
Loads of people followed Musk when he was making cool cars, cool rockets, insulting people involved in rescue attempts. Very few care now that doing so is seen as declaring yourself on the side of Trump
I’d say you’d still find plenty, theres a large crossover with your average Rogan listener. But hopefully the blinders have come off more of them.
insulting people involved in rescue
Thats when he lost me completely. Up until that point, i thought he was a savvy investor woth an incredibly perceptive idea of the future. But then his true colours came out in that episode, he also got my nationalism up. Those guys were fucken Aussies doing good work to save those kids!
Its been a long time though, i think they were, lol!
Current German government: “oh no, we’ll get right on cracking down on that. Yes.”
Terrible news, That there were not more of course.
Kinda strange that Tesla advertises them as electric vehicles when they burn so much gasoline. In my opinion, they should be fined for false advertising.
we must seize the means of production