Perl is the original GOAT! It took a look at shell, realised it could do (slightly) better, and forged its own hacky path!
Perl is the original GOAT! It took a look at shell, realised it could do (slightly) better, and forged its own hacky path!
That’s good, but if you like to name your arguments first before testing them, then it falls apart
set -euo pipefail
if [[ -z "${myarg}" ]]
echo "we need an argument!" >&2
exit 1
This fails. The solution is to do myarg=${1:-}
and then test
Edit: Oh, I just saw you did that initialisation in the if statement. Take your trophy and leave.
Mein Kater! *trips over beer bottle*
I think what we all want to know is: where was Jojo’s giant rabbit, and how did Hitler defeat Dio, when none of them were gone too long in the midnight sea?
My only issue is -u
. How do you print help text if your required parameters are always filled. There’s no way to test for -z if the shell bails on the first line.
Edit: though I guess you could initialise your vars with bad defaults, and test for those.
Turn off your computer and make sure it powers down. Toss it in a 43-foot hole in the ground. Bury it completely rocks and boulders should be fine. Then burn any clothes you may have worn any time you were onliiiine
Alright, ive watched this anime twice and i guess im clearly missing something. What’s special about it? The animation was okay. They could have thrown in a couple of jokes to spice it up. Maybe toss a pie at the floaty girl once in a while, huh?
(You can deduct all if not a lot of the money you send to charity in your taxes. Everyone should donate the max amount, as the government practically covers it!)
Once you start getting real money, you start noticing how much is going to taxes.
Even though the net income is more money than you’ve ever seen in your life, and the meagre fraction that is going to welfare is abysmally small, yet was a true lifeline to you when you needed it mere weeks ago… it still makes your blood boil knowing you’re not getting everything you feel you deserve.
Imagine that amplified x 10, and you can see how a CEO might feel that they’re throwing tens of thousands a month on what they feel are undeserving recipients. All they see are the zeroes, not the percentage.
TL;DR - we all inhabit the same planet, but we live in different worlds.
Other people would then have AIs in their heads to deal with the responses.
A perfect world, where nothing is actually being said, but goddamn do we sound smart saying it
All the adverts that I see on my sidebar tell me otherwise
Are you genuinely serious?
Alan was a child. He had no concept of what had happened or what was happening to him. It wasn’t just some random Amazonian-type jungle he was sucked into; it was an ancient unending overgrown labyrinth of tangle and undergrowth containing some of the most aggressive and deadliest versions of predators known to man.
Most of the unfortunate people who play that game are in there for five minutes whilst the others roll the dice and wait their turn. Those who get sucked in later in the game have at least some inkling of what to expect, and can still cling to the hope of their turn coming up soon.
Alan was in there for thirty years. Thirty years of learning how to survive in a harsh and hostile environment, with no hope of return, and no understanding of what he did wrong to deserve this fate. The only other human who could have at least served as a father figure of sorts is a mad hunter who wants him dead. Can you imagine the number of times Alan must have approached The Hunter just to strike up some kind of discourse about what is going on or to test the limits of his compassion, only to have to flee for his life each and every time? That can mess up a kid.
It’s a real testament to Alan’s forgiving disposition that he doesn’t blame any particular person for his situation, but the situation itself. Even after time rewound and he got to live out his life as normal human being, the mental scars are likely still there etched into his mind.
And don’t even get me started on Sarah. She saw what happened with her own two eyes, and every single adult in her life told her that it wasn’t real. Because how could it be? And yet her childhood friend went missing right in front of her. How can you even deal with the sheer guilt of an event that people say you hallucinated?
Goddamn that film breaks my heart.
I just make all my test messages Dirty Harry gifs
That’s crazy. Mixing nitrous oxide into cannabis is probably one of the dopest methods of getting high. Kudos to your suggestion, good sir!
what brand of cannabis would you recommend?
In think we need a linuxcherrypop
community, so that I can filter past the “ive done it!! I left windows!” posts, or those questions like “what do you miss about other distros”.
I just want Linux news. Tell me about developments, and let me discuss them with people
This guy gets it