I like how he thanked the president on the social media platform he owns, that’s a nice touch.
Can you imagine that some idiots were turned against Zelensky - it’s insane. One of true contemporary heroes.
When someone gets you a really crappy birthday present but your parents make you write a thank you letter anyway.
it was very disrespectful, that’s not how a host treats a guest.
JD’s tactic is well known in the psychological manipulation menu and it was extremely rude.
he wasn’t even listening, he had his bullshit ready to go. he said “did you ever say thank you” when zelenskyy literally started talking by saying thank you in that very meeting.
The EU policy secretary (I don’t remember the exact position) said after that meeting that the free world needs a new leader and she hopes Europe is up for the challenge.
The EU has spent more on Russian oil and gas than it has committed to Ukraine. Why has the EU failed to make any significant diplomatic progress in the past three years? Meanwhile, it takes Donald Trump only a month to bring everyone to the table, and yet his approach seems to draw criticism. What accounts for this disparity?
what’s trump’s asshole really taste like?
smells like shit from here, but your tongue so far up his rectum I bet you’ve got the inside scoop
I don’t know, “unconditional surrender” and “extortion” don’t sound like good diplomacy, but maybe it’s just me.
Bad troll.
Wow you’re a real scumbag
He precisely DID NOT bring Ukraine to the table.
Holy shit I just watched a 7 minute clip. That was a hard watch. What a couple of clowns.
I wild chicken would’ve been less disrespectful and a better conversation.
What do you mean “debase”? I see an adult acting as one. Maybe it looks a little weird next to the behavior of vhildr.
Because he is thanking Trump after they treated him like crap. He is doing the adult thing for diplomacy, but had he had no war situation Thanking somebody for being overly douchey to you would be considered debasing yourself
You must be trying hard not to see it. It wasn’t intended as in insult, perhaps if you can understand that you won’t need to lie to yourself.
Ah. I see. I don’t think “debased” means what you think it means. Cheers
How would you describe it when someone humiliates you in front of the world and then you thank them…because it’s the only viable path forward for your country?
I think what they are saying is that Zelensky did not devalue himself in this moment, that being the meaning of “debase”. He stood up for himself, and in that I’d say he created MORE value within himself.
I think you used the perfect word: Humiliation. Zelensky didn’t do anything ‘wrong’ and was basically yelled at and belittled by “the leader of the free world”.
Hope that makes sense, homie. No shade or anything.
Yeah he sat there and let them humiliate him and talk over him then thanked them.
He doesn’t really have a lot of options, the U.S. govt is compromised. He came out of the meeting looking like a world leader, Trump/Vance came out looking like idiot bullies. It was a nice confirmation to the rest of the world that American interests are no longer aligned with the rest of the world.
And he went on FOX later last night and continued to stand his ground. I think he did the best he could with the cards he had. The dude has a lot of conviction over this war, imagine how hard it would be to hold your tongue to Trumps lying. lmfao I’m surprised he didn’t punch him in the face lol
Nobody is perfect but he did what was needed for his country. He can’t fix the current regime whores but he ensured that the record is clear on what it is going on.
Any adult with half a brain can see through the charade.
With that being said, Ukraine gonna be fucked and Russia benefits from this.
So i doubt Zelensky cares about making history here. But this is how you deal with a bully who has all the tools at his disposal.
Trump is way better at this.
He’s willing to debase an entire country!
This just makes me reflect on how many Americans, even Trump voters, are basically screaming from the rooftops that Trump is doing real harm to them, and maybe, just maybe, that message will actually be heard.
Then I remember that he’s replaced just about everyone who can get into earshot of him with an echo chamber of what-the-fuckary. Absolute useless humans, who will shield Trump from hearing about any negatives from the decisions he’s making.
Everything they’re saying to the public is spin. It might be based in fact, somewhere in the background, but it’s so far divulged from that truth that it’s difficult to even tell what true thing was spun this hard to generate the things they’re saying. There’s a nontrivial amount of it that’s just outright fabrications.
I’m not an American and I couldn’t vote in the US election. I’m your neighbor to the North and all I could do was watch, in horror, as the vote went to the orange party.
Rewatched the first half of “Civil War” again (shout out to my boy insomnia -.-) last night.
It’s very close to the bone in a lot of places.
I am so profoundly ashamed to be an American right now.
I can’t even begin to describe how profoundly ashamed I am to be “represented” by this piece of human garbage.
Fuck every last person who voted for them.
I hope you guys can channel that shame into enough action to fix your country.
Preferably before these “elected representatives” start a shooting war on your behalf.
You just “your mom” 'd so many people with that last sentence. 😂
I’ve been ashamed to be an American since I could understand what was being said on the news. We’re really quite an evil country.
I feel like a lot of the world is feeling some sort of satisfaction like “we told you the USA fucking sucked”
I’m absolutely disgusted and enraged.
I honestly don’t want to say I am an American anymore, yet I am a full on (non-white) citizen.
Can you please use the PNG next time? 🙏
So Americans CAN feel shame wrt their federal government! What an absolutely unexpected discovery, after all these years.
If you voted Democrat, or for some reason weren’t able to vote, don’t be.
Counterpoint: you should have been ashamed a long, long time ago.
Americans, take note, Zelenskyy is a competent, thoughtful leader who isn’t a rapist or a coward, or a cock holster for Putin.
I’d rather have Zelenskyy than Elon.
I’d rather have a toaster than elon.
I would rather Elon commit toaster in bathtub.
Masterful gambit
Or better yet a 1960’s plugin tapedeck. That’ll blast you right through the wall, leave you stone cold dead within 10 seconds.
Id rather have Leon Black from Curb your enthusiasm.
Get in that ass Larry!
I’d rather have “elon’s toaster taking a bath with him” than Elon. (Shit someone already said it further down lol)
Whatever takes him out, I hope it’s caught in literally 4k and becomes the most popular video the Internet has ever seen.
Bonus points if he’s made aware that it’s becoming a video as it happens. Man I would have to order a flatbed’s worth of popcorn for that.
Additional flatbeds of popcorn for every other installment in the series.
I’d rather have a toaster than a Cylon
I’d rather have a Cylon that can make toast.
Well, hang on, #6… I mean, wait no, you’re right, but…
#3 tho…
Fair point…
So say we all.
The Cylon I remember was hot enough to make me forget what my values even are.
I’d rather have a Cylon than Elon.
I’d rather have him than any republiQan in office today. They’re self-urinators of the lowest order; pigs are smarter, braver, and more compassionate. They’re mindscrambled idiots, thugs, and fake-jesus-licking, woman-hating shitheads.
I’d rather have him than any Republican or the vast majority of the Democrats.
The fact that the Democrats haven’t done anything meaningful to attempt to stop the self-coup is disgraceful. They should be hard on the offence. They won’t get another shot.
There is nothing more shameful than licking a fake Jesus.
deleted by creator
american here.
watching the video of trump and vance yelling at an ally in need of help because he said “thank you” at the wrong time is insulting. dear president zelensky: i am so sorry you have to interact with that donut and his side of coffee. you, sir, are a classy fellow who deserves to be respected.
trump and vance yelling at an ally in need of help because he said “thank you” at the wrong time
That isn’t what they were doing at all.
They were yelling at an enemy in hopes of provoking him, in order to manufacture a justification for their own treachery.
As Americans, we need to understand that Trump is unilaterally forcing the US to switch sides – to betray NATO and join Russia and North Korea as pariah dictatorships – and we need to decide what we’re going to do about it.
Exactly. They were hoping that Zelenskyy wouldn’t just turn the other cheek. Because if Zelenskyy got agitated, they would use it as justification for cutting all ties.
No, I think it goes deeper than that. They have no loyalty to America, they have loyalty to their ideology. This is why they sympathise with the AfD, Brexit and the rest. They seek control only to enrich themselves. Russia isn’t an ally, it’s an aspiration
Here’s the kicker, Russia as it stands today, is an all American creation.
In post-Soviet Russia and other post-Communist states, neoliberal reforms based on the Washington Consensus resulted in a surge in excess mortality and decreasing life expectancy, along with rising economic inequality, corruption, and poverty. Isabella Weber of the University of Massachusetts said: “As a result of shock therapy, Russia experienced a rise in mortality beyond that of any previous peacetime experiences of an industrialized country.”: 2 The Gini ratio increased by an average of 9 points for all post-Communist states. The average post-Communist state had returned to 1989 levels of per-capita GDP by 2005, although some are still far behind that. In Russia, the average real income for 99 percent of people was lower in 2015 than in 1991.: 2 According to William Easterly, successful market economies rest on a framework of law, regulation, and established practice, which cannot be instantaneously created in a society that was formerly authoritarian, heavily centralised, and subject to state ownership of assets.
As a Canadian, we might just build a border wall… Mainly to keep the crazy out of our country.
And make the US pay for it. But please build it after I illegally cross.
Add a wide ass minefield.
Good idea.
Can we block Faux news at that border wall too?
Take up arms.
I couldn’t even make it through a minute without rage building up and had to turn off the video. That he could sit there and put up with that ridiculous circus without getting up and leaving or punching them in the face is amazing. I could not do that. I’m pissed off again writing this and being reminded of the short video I watched.
If you can give it another look it’s worth it to just see how adept and tough Zelenskyy is, they couldn’t shake him and get him to make a real error. They come out looking terrible and most folks will like Zelenskyy more than ever.
I couldn’t watch that shit either. Gotta admit, I’m a little relieved that it is the general consensus that they were being major dicks.
Fucking moron keeps bringing up Hunter Biden even in peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. What a disgrace Trump is.
A very small part of me wants to believe the “he’s playing 4D chess, he’s six moves ahead, and we just can’t see his next play yet” MAGAts. Because the only other alternative is that he’s a fully senile idiot who holds the most powerful seat in the country. And unfortunately for my sanity, I know his actions are not due to genius.
At the beginning of Trump’s first term I suspected a Boris Johnson style idiot facade, but it soon became clear it was real.
Was it a facade with Boris?
Yes. Boris is a “character” he plays
They’re attempting to extort Ukraine for their own personal benefit by using our tax money to do it. The worst part is that they sat around and rehearsed that shit.
My personal theory is much darker than that: They got aggressive in the hopes that they could provoke Zelensky into talking back. So they could then clip it and use it as justification for cutting ties and handing the country to Russia. Trump is obviously acting like a Russian asset, but pulling a complete 180 on the Ukraine thing will need to be justified somehow. This was their attempt at justification.
I agree with that as well. It’s a catch 22 either way. They step back and even help Russia and get minerals or they extort them. If I were in their position I would agree to the mineral deal once an aid package is secured, then prevent it from happening due to “security concerns” etc. and then just turn around and say fuck you or say I need more in order to ensure srcurity and safety, there’s landmines/unexploded ordinance, etc. and it just never happens due to equipment and business people getting “stuck” in customs forever due to ever changing requirements and regulations.
His GPA at Fordham was 1.28
While it probably was in that ballpark cuz he’s an idiot, that transcript image that made the rounds a bit ago was a forgery, so it’s unknown what his gpa was. Plenty of provable real stuff that shows him to be a moron, however.
Another good indicator that he didn’t do well, is the fact that he didn’t release it himself.
He is 100% the kind of person who if he did at least mediocre in the universities he would have posted the gpa’s himself, but he hasent which makes me think that he was easily bottom of the barrel gpa wise
It’s the same reason that I firmly believe he cooks his books for taxes, if he wasn’t he would be in everyone’s face that they were wrong.
As someone who graduated college with a 2.7 and is leagues smarter than Trump, I can at least corroborate anecdotally that his GPA was sub 1.0.
It’s said POTUS instead of President Trump, so it’s not a valid thanks for Trump.
This isn’t debasement. This is manners.
Manners are about you thanking the host, not about the pigs you dined with. Sometimes, the host IS the pig. But it’s still about you, so cast them some pearls.
You’ve been downvoted, but you’re right.
Folks, this is what debasement is:
debasement noun
The act of debasing or the state of being debased; a lowering, especially in character or quality.
What Zelenskyy did was the exact opposite of that: by putting his personal pride aside for the good of Ukraine despite Trump and Vance trying to double-team him with the worst bullying they could muster, he showed incredible strength of character and statesmanship.
Make no mistake: this was not Zelenskyy showing weakness or fealty towards Trump. This was Zelenskyy jumping through the hoops necessary to deny the bullies credibility for their claims that he was not cooperating towards peace. His graciousness just sets him further above them, in terms of diplomatic credibility.
In the damn near no-win scenario Zelenskyy is in, this was as close to a victory as he could possibly have hoped for.
It’s debasement because trump deserves no such respect. Zelenskyys character should never have to include bowing to this faux king. But on all accounts you are correct and I will humbly change my title if you ask.
He’s not showing Trump respect, he’s showing respect to the office of president and to the American people.
You’re right that Trump deserves no respect and that Zelenskyy shouldn’t have to bow to him. And to be honest, I’m not sure what the best word to replace “debase” would be. Maybe “prostrate” would be slightly better, in the sense that it has more of a connotation of being coerced instead of willing? I don’t know that it’s enough of an improvement to be worth an edit.
I’m not sure if English has a single word that fully conveys “performative capitulation to the petty demands of a small man in order to outmaneuver him diplomatically.”
You do not think that Zelensky “lowered himself” by absorbing all that abuse, not responding to it at all, and instead praising his abusers? You can describe that as “manners” or “self control” or “civilized” or whatever else you want, and all those things may be true, but it doesn’t change the fact that he lowered himself. He acted as though he were socially beneath Trump and Vance. We can all see that. Yes, it was the correct thing, and the dignified thing to do. But to claim he didn’t lower himself, didn’t debase himself, is warped. It’s trying to spin the situation by denying the obvious, recasting it as something else.
I disagree. He didn’t lower himself, he acted like the only grown up in the group while the others were throwing hissy fits
Then I have no manners and am fine with it.
That’s fine, just don’t seek leadership. Zelenskyy is a class act for this and I’m all the more ashamed of America for it.