Text from article:
David Rice, a disabled Army paratrooper who has been on probation since joining the U.S. Department of Energy in September, also learned Thursday night that he had lost his job.
Rice, who has been working as a foreign affairs specialist on health matters relating to radiation exposure, said he’d been led to believe that his job would likely be safe. But on Thursday night, when he logged into his computer for a meeting with Japanese representatives, he saw an email saying he’d been fired.
“It’s just been chaos,” said Rice, 50, who had just bought a house in Melbourne, Florida, after he got the job.
Rice said he agrees with the Trump administration’s goal of making the government more efficient, but objects to the random, scattershot approach being taken.
Originally linked here:
What a dipshit, thank god he bought land in Florida. Die there.
A disabled federal government worker who supports Trump. You have to be a special kind of clueless to be in all of those camps.
Did he think being a veteran would protect him from the fickle judgement of the guy who famously called dead and injured soldiers “suckers and losers”?
DEI allowed people with disabilities to work in government. This dipshit Trumper MAGA fuckwit thinks he was immune. Fuck him. Hope he gets everything he voted for.
That’s because they think DEI just means black. As usual they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about
Now now now, they also think it means you hire women.
That’s because Trumpers conveniently forget to mention the “A” in “DEIA”. The A stands for “Accessibility”. As in, accessibility for the disabled to actually be able to do their jobs with reasonable accommodations. If you kill DEI, you also kill accessibility.
Generally speaking disability rights has adopted civil rights language in its activitism so it’s also part of diversity. And equity… And inclusion.
Our leopards are starting to look a bit, uh, not super healthy.
Dave better have paid the house off in full. Veterans disability benefits won’t cover a house payment and food in Florida
They all fail at game theory. When being negative, everyone loses. Tit for Tat + 10% forgiveness is the most successful and highest growth potential. T4T means you are always nice, always positive, and when someone is negative, you respond in kind but randomly forgive 10% of the time to exit the stupidity spiral. Most world leaders know and operate under T4T now that it was established as the only path to maximal growth for everyone. Failing to apply this when everyone else is applying it will ALWAYS result in bringing everyone down but the most damage will ALWAYS occur to the perpetrating entity when all others are playing T4Tpt.
Good luck ever defining positive and negative or quantifying them
Most people think that someone telling them the reality(objectively and calmly) that directly affects them is a negative thing because they willingly choose to live in an illusion and then act shocked and appalled when something truly negative happens although they’re fully aware they could have prevented it
Although game theory is a very useful tool the input that you use has little to no connection with reality which make the results close to fiction
Feel free to reply with something “positive” to “prove” your point but keep in mind it’s almost all in your head, 99% placebo
This is interesting, how did they get those calculations?
The person you’re replying to is describing (without giving proper context except for “game theory”) an algorithm that’s fairly successful at the “iterated prisoners dilemma”: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tit_for_tat