Shit doesn’t happen to me on Windows. Killed One Drive, done.
Been wondering if the hassle is from pre-installed versions vs. the “got my own ISO” version straight from M$. I get very few of the Windows complaints I see when I wipe it to factory and install vanilla Windows. Which anyone using Windows should do on a new machine.
Recently had to deal with creating a Windows 11 installation for someone else. I used a self-downloaded ISO and Rufus, and it still tried to pull that crap. OneDrive will create a system notification offering to enable it, and it’s similar enough to the various annoying Windows onboarding notifications that some people will accidentally click the confirmation thinking it’s the dismiss button.
I was moderately annoyed at the amount of stuff I had to either disable or uninstall when I got my Win 11 laptop, including One Drive, and getting rid of the news recommendations etc, but it’s definitely less hassle than installing a new OS.
Installing a new OS is not a hassle at all on this day and age. If you can click buttons with a mouse and read at least at a 6th grade level to follow instructions, you can install an OS.
All of my personal machines are Linux. I’m forced to use Windows for work, like nearly all knowledge workers. You’ll find out about it when you grow up.
I just made linux on the company laptop a requirement for me working at the current company. They told me, that I would have to install and maintain it myself, so I have Arch Linux on my company laptop. I like it a lot more than Debian, which I had to use at the previous company.
I have never used windows in a work environment so far.
@django@ThePrimitive I once got a similar “you’ve opted out of company support” for ordering and installing additional RAM in my laptop from my department budget.
I lol’d in 8GB
I’m pretty sure, when I grew up, my aspirations were a bit higher than bragging about being a corporate drone.
When your value comes from the experience on your resume and not the stack of CompTIA certifications that you purchased while attending college, you get job offers that don’t come with a cubicle.
You’re right, there’s nothing that you can do but give in to the ghouls and take our allotted job, then spend our free time bitterly slinging shit at people who don’t follow in our rut.
There’s no change possible and anyone who pretends otherwise should be boo’d out of the conversation so we can all return to our miserable lives supporting the corporate boot with our collective necks.
How silly of me for aspiring to more. Thank you, wise young adult, for sharing the wisdom of your many hours looking at an-cap memes. I shall return to my spatula and mop, lest I upset the rest of the cattle.
Aspiring to more? Motherfucker, how do expect to do that waxing poetic about ruts and calling everyone who doesn’t buy your im14andthisisdeep rhetoric cattle? Young adult, indeed.
Here’s a hint: a stack of certifications is going is going to do you more good than some ego-trip pipe dream about single-handedly bucking the system. Save that Crimethinc reality-dodging bullshit for the rest of the trustsfarian lifestylists.
BTW, I’m a libertarian socialist and a member of the DSA and IWW. Ancaps can kiss my dick.
Switch to Linux, this shit doesn’t happen unless you set it up.
Shit doesn’t happen to me on Windows. Killed One Drive, done.
Been wondering if the hassle is from pre-installed versions vs. the “got my own ISO” version straight from M$. I get very few of the Windows complaints I see when I wipe it to factory and install vanilla Windows. Which anyone using Windows should do on a new machine.
Recently had to deal with creating a Windows 11 installation for someone else. I used a self-downloaded ISO and Rufus, and it still tried to pull that crap. OneDrive will create a system notification offering to enable it, and it’s similar enough to the various annoying Windows onboarding notifications that some people will accidentally click the confirmation thinking it’s the dismiss button.
I was moderately annoyed at the amount of stuff I had to either disable or uninstall when I got my Win 11 laptop, including One Drive, and getting rid of the news recommendations etc, but it’s definitely less hassle than installing a new OS.
Installing a new OS is not a hassle at all on this day and age. If you can click buttons with a mouse and read at least at a 6th grade level to follow instructions, you can install an OS.
It also doesn’t save to one drive unless you set it up.
Some people have jobs.
Yeah, people who know how to use Linux
All of my personal machines are Linux. I’m forced to use Windows for work, like nearly all knowledge workers. You’ll find out about it when you grow up.
I just made linux on the company laptop a requirement for me working at the current company. They told me, that I would have to install and maintain it myself, so I have Arch Linux on my company laptop. I like it a lot more than Debian, which I had to use at the previous company.
I have never used windows in a work environment so far.
@django @ThePrimitive I once got a similar “you’ve opted out of company support” for ordering and installing additional RAM in my laptop from my department budget.
I lol’d in 8GB
The sad reality.
Skill issue
I’m pretty sure, when I grew up, my aspirations were a bit higher than bragging about being a corporate drone.
When your value comes from the experience on your resume and not the stack of CompTIA certifications that you purchased while attending college, you get job offers that don’t come with a cubicle.
You sound insufferable.
Stop, you’re hurting my feelings.
Yeah, they come with a spatula and a mop.
Tell me you’re divorced from the reality of a late-stage capitalist society without telling me, bro.
You’re right, there’s nothing that you can do but give in to the ghouls and take our allotted job, then spend our free time bitterly slinging shit at people who don’t follow in our rut.
There’s no change possible and anyone who pretends otherwise should be boo’d out of the conversation so we can all return to our miserable lives supporting the corporate boot with our collective necks.
How silly of me for aspiring to more. Thank you, wise young adult, for sharing the wisdom of your many hours looking at an-cap memes. I shall return to my spatula and mop, lest I upset the rest of the cattle.
Aspiring to more? Motherfucker, how do expect to do that waxing poetic about ruts and calling everyone who doesn’t buy your im14andthisisdeep rhetoric cattle? Young adult, indeed.
Here’s a hint: a stack of certifications is going is going to do you more good than some ego-trip pipe dream about single-handedly bucking the system. Save that Crimethinc reality-dodging bullshit for the rest of the trustsfarian lifestylists.
BTW, I’m a libertarian socialist and a member of the DSA and IWW. Ancaps can kiss my dick.
👍 very based and skibidi reddit-pilled response.