He’s just going to get people killed. But that’s ok he doesn’t give a shit anyways, so it’s moot. What are a few thousand dead peasants when we could make big stock number go up?
Side note, Im still not buying this “Worlds richest man” Label.
I believe that title still belongs to Vladimir Putin. his wealth is not published though. He Robbed a vast nation blind to the point that he is a living god in Russia.
Putin has Musk and Trump by the balls, for sure.
I think its less of a master giving orders to a dog dynamic, and More of a “I’ll have mine, you have yours” dynamic.
I still dont know if they are fucking crazy enough to try it. but this is whats in the back of my mind with this aggressive and jingoistic rhetoric against Canada, the EU, and Ukraine.
America may have stepped down from the stage of the Free world, and the Free world may very well be finished. but whats left of it still has nuclear weapons.
I’ve been reading for 20+ years that the real richest in the world are oil barons in the middle east. I believe a few people are projected to have up to a trillion dollars in assets/wealth etc, but they aren’t celebs or post about it via publicly traded organisations etc.
Who knows though
He mostly lives off debt with tesla being the collateral. Of tesla shares tank hes going to get margin called so to speak
immigration policies are federal regulations on the labor market. i say we open the borders
Remember that we’re not allowed to call for violence, but it’s okay when Elon does things like this, because allowing industry to poison whole towns isn’t violence, it’s just capitalism.
Sharing the names of Musk’s helpers? Not okay.
Letting nuclear plants operate in a way that risks big swaths of the country uninhabitable? Totally cool.
My power company fucked up my autopay, they then preceeded to not tell me, then they shut off my power without a note or an in person heads up, leaving it indistinguishable from a regular outage until it was dark and my neighbors lights turned on and their billing department was closed for the night. In February.
I’m saying this because all this was illegal thanks to regulations. I reported it to the government because it was danger, irresponsible, and a dick move. I think a lot of people think of regulations as stuff like wheelchair ramps and no knowingly giving entire towns cancer, but it’s also shit like this, that you have to tell people that you shut off their power for non-payment and warn them before you do so they don’t have to spend a night eating takeout by candlelight for no reason.
World’s richest person drunk on power
News at 11
Is he including Private Property among these discarded regulations?
If industrialists can pollute wherever they want, we should be allowed to live wherever we want. Private property is just a regulation at the end of the day.
Rich people can afford private well-armed security guards… (No, the police don’t count since we’re not doing regulations any more)
Well time to stockpile then
The police are the weak armed security guards for rich people…
Get rid of SEC regulations so he can be defrauded on the stock market. Get rid of copyright and trademark laws so his parts can be made by anyone and his company names reused.
So I visited Bangladesh one time, and learned they have insanely high rates of cancer there. Why? Well it turns out that (among other reasons) the farmers had been injecting formaldehyde into their vegetables because it made them last longer on the shelves, and therefore sold better.
This is what you get with no regulations. A sick and dying population.
“regulations are written in blood” is a quote for a reason
I spent a decade living around Africa, and this kind of thinking is common. DDT was what everyone put on the tomatoes because pests mean loss of food. Who wants that?
Lack of relations is only about living in short-term survival thinking 24/7. Long term effects mean nothing.
DDT isn’t going to cause health problems for the people in Africa. It will cause problems for some birds near the top of the food chain however.
It’s just the easiest example to use. I have maybe dozens more examples that require more storytelling and setup.
Ever had someone try to sell you a car with visible drywall screws holding the bumper on, like you were the dick for pointing them out?
DDT won’t fuck you up if you die in your 20s from unrelated causes
Fair point, on the other hand, have you considered line must go up?
Seriously. It’s like no one realizes the literal most important thing in all of the world.
Line go up.
Fuck your family, fuck your health, fuck your safety, fuck yo couch, fuck the environment, LINE GO UP!
… Fml
I’m kind of relieved we’re extincting ourselves before we become an interstellar plague of misery, with children being born into inescapable, perpetual oxygen debt to the local corporate leadership on Mars and Titan colonies.
We’d make the Ferengi look like altruists. We were a mistake of evolution.
It’s the current western dominionist mindset that’s the mistake. Don’t mistake that for all of humanity (even if it currently makes up 90% of it).
As opposed to…who exactly? That one tribe in the sentinel Islands that hasn’t been contacted by modern civilization yet?
Sure. Also many other cultures who have been contacted and haven’t been completely destroyed.
But the point is not that we should copy some tiny tribe’s way of life, the point is that western dominionism is not the only way that humans are capable of organising their societies. There are likely many other ways that have never been tried yet that are much better than what we have now.
So… would you ignore all of recorded history, and most of anthropological records that dictate humanity has always been in a race to find new and exciting ways to kill each other?
In every civilization there comes a time where the interests of the elite grilled too far apart from the interests of the common people. Some kind of correction becomes inevitable. The way this correction plays out and who wins is another matter. But it looks like in the coming decades, maybe centuries, a new to type of economic model gets worked out, based on sustainability first, or very soon new tech is survived that allowed further line going up without destroying the planet. But living through a pivot in history is always a stressful affair.
Yeah I remember wiping my feet on his couch
Rick James from Charlie Murphy’s True Hollywood Stories?
R.I.P. Charlie Murphy
What? And sacrifice my bonus?
Think of the money to be made from selling medical care for contaminated food.
Go read about how horribly adulterated food was in Europe and the US in the 1800s and before. They’d add sawdust to flour, chalk, toxic metals, rotten meat was sold regularly, etc. Patent medicines were essentially drug trafficking or just scams. Soldiers in the Spanish-American war were supplied with canned meat from the US Civil War. I saw an old film from the time the Pure Food and Drug act was passed showing a can of meat being opened and it literally shot out from the gasses inside.
Well, the Libertarians and Republicans had their heads poisoned with total rot like Ayn Rand’s horrible sci-fi, and then spent the past several decades screaming about how derrp, we don’t need no regulations!
Now I guess we all get to find out along with these dolts.
Not to mention the US falling 110% into the cult of individualism. Individualism is fine if it is balanced with the needs of society as a whole. You can’t even get people to chip into schools and roads, shared resources, anymore.
Funny thing with that book it was intended to reveal the horrible working conditions in the industry but instead the public latched onto it as revealing how foul and adulterated food had become.
Do you have examples of this stuff happening in continental European countries? I’d love to jump down that rabbit hole.
In the past I’ve read descriptions of systematic bad practices in the industrialized Uk, but I can’t recall reading about similar things happening in other western European countries. Nothing systematic anyhow. I’d image that the french would have had a(nother) revolution if anyone had tried that stuff with their food.
I think the English were just better at recording it.
Here is one in Asia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esing_Bakery_incident
France passed a food adulteration law in 1905. Many countries were cracking down on it around this time along with the US with the Pure Food and Drug Act under Teddy Roosevelt.
Examples of food adulteration in France in the 1800s:
Copper-colored vegetables: French beans, cucumbers, and samphires were often colored green with copper. This could have fatal consequences.
Beer: Brewers added substances like copperas, quassia, liquorice juice, and Nux vomica to make beer bitter.
Wine: The wine industry was affected by the Phylloxera epidemic, which destroyed a large proportion of vines. In response, wine adulteration increased.
Confectionery: Arsenic and mercury compounds were used as colorants.
Mustard: Lead chromate was added to mustard.
Meat: Animal health became a concern as meat consumption increased.
They will just call it Freedom Juice™ and write on the packaging that it makes the food taste more better.
Decades upon decades of progress are going to be gone by the end of this.
We’ll spend the rest of our lives living in a system slowly being rebuilt, if we even get that lucky.
There goes our futures. And we voted for it.
Truly a shit nation full of shit people.
Imagine us growing up at the peak of civilization (1999, per the Matrix) and not knowing it.
Now we’re going back to the 1800s with robber barons and 20 hour/7day workweeks.
With RFK Jr pitching in, you’re going back hundreds of years.
Yes, but the libruls made them do this, because woke/dei/crt and the trans. The amount of actual TDS (transphobic derangement syndrome) out there is something to behold.
The crazies are obsessed with trans and other bullshit that has no impact on their lives (b-roll of migrant caravans, poor people living high on the hog on steak and lobster, etc) that they are completely willing to end democracy over it. Not even fucking kidding. It’s one thing when you see the elites saying democracy is over, it needs to be shunted aside so they can rule, it’s quite another when they have convinced a lot of stupid peasants to say the same kind of shit. As if the peasants’ lives won’t be remarkably worse under what the elites have planned…
The wounds are too deep for rebuilding, imo. Even if we do get the chance, there’s just not enough Band-Aids, political will, and time in four years for the democrats to repair it. We’re facing the complete implosion of our federal government and its legitimacy along with it.
The worst part is that there’s not enough of an organized opposition to stop it, or even really slow it down. Neither major political party acts in favor of the people; major news outlets and social networking tools are owned by billionaires; a sizeable chunk of the country is perfectly OK with getting ratfucked so long as José next door gets it worse. We aren’t facing the implosion of the USA into a TechnoFascist Hellscape, we’re LIVING IT.
B-bu-but grandstanding uncommitted Jill Steiners told me not to worry and they’re all the same though!!?
Well, keep in mind that Biden was indecisive about Gaza…
Biden was the right vote over Trump, even on the issue of Gaza. However, it’s fucked up to minimize Biden’s culpability in the Gaza genocide this way. He wasn’t indecisive, he was complicit and was actively involved in helping Israel lie and obfuscate. Maybe we as a country deserve Trump, or maybe we don’t, but Biden and Harris did not deserve to win.
I don’t agree with the last statement.
There’s “continue with previously agreed weapons shipments to Israel” and there’s “let’s make Gaza a parking lot, invade Greenland, and ship these brown people to Guantanamo, citizens or not”.
Biden/Harris were not perfect, but they were the proverbial one-eyed person… vs a blind donkey.
Don’t forget that Trump is also talking about shifting control of Gaza to the US for some godforsaken reason (it’s beachfront property and his real estate mogul friends will make tons of cash building resorts on mass graves and skeletons).
Context is important to discern meaning. Biden, the person, deserves nothing better than a jail cell. Harris too, on some level, though she’s not as directly complicit. I voted for Harris anyways, because it was worth accepting that grave injustice to keep Trump out of power.
It was worth accepting that grave injustice to prevent and even bigger injustice.
We warned against Trump not because we dislike the guy, or his hair or his ties, we warned people that Trump would be even worse than whatever they/you disliked about the Biden admin.
It took him weeks to propose deporting 2M people from their own homeland and building a Trump hotel on the beachfront property left behind.
What the fuck is “deserve”?
Representative democracy is the system where people get the government that they deserve.
Don’t worry. WW3 will be the world against the US within the next decade.
Is a decade ten months now?
Feels that way
The future is a foreign land.
Most of them are just caught in the gears of history. It’s not as if voting was ever mandatory or generally made available to the working class.
But yes, a nation asleep at the wheel for the most part. It’s such a pity.
You are …and only a handful of people are going to be better off for it. It’s fucking wank, and it’s not just USians that are going to feel the hit, cause many other countries will use you as a blueprint.
I feel like I’m a crazy person, but I’m starting to believe the conspiracy of tech billionaires trying to dismantle the government to create network states. I’m almost certain they will gut the SEC eventually as well, so they can deregulate cryptocurrency. This was a summary I’ve recently read: Day One of Venture Capital Takeover.
Everyone should google Network States and the cities these VC billionaires are trying to create. Stuff like Próspera, Pronomos Capital, Praxis Nation, Bitcoin City in El Salvador, Afropolitan in Africa etc. etc. The same website has long page on it: The Status of the Network State. They are essentially creating sovereign states or cities that aren’t beholden to any local government laws and use their own deregulated cryptocurrencies, so that they can control all the rules and power within.
I have no idea how trustworthy the site I linked is, but I can’t see what they would gain from lying about it
I’ve been around the internet for a long time.
I’ve seen the horrors rotten.com offered.
I’ve watched American prisoners being beheaded.
I’ve seen American soldiers being raped.
I’ve watched the hanging of Saddam.
I’ve seen people jumping out of the trade towers.
I’ve seen…I’ve seen some truly horrific – terrible shit in my lifetime. shit that’s made my stomach churn and realize what kind of evil exists in this world.
but this…today…is just too much for me.
I think I’m going to go lay down for a few days…
Both Peter Thiel and Musk are incredibly dangerous to America’s democracy. Here’s another choice quote from the site:
Peter Thiel has held “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible” for many years. In 2022, he ripped up $100 dollar bills on stage at the Bitcoin Conference, stating “Bitcoin is the most honest market in the world. It’s the most efficient market… It is telling us that the central banks are bankrupt, that we are at the end of the fiat money regime.” In a 2024 podcast, he stated “Liberalism is exhausted, one suspects that democracy, whatever that means, is exhausted, and that we have to ask some questions very far outside the Overton window." PayPal was originally founded to replace the US dollar. Peter Thiel stated in his book, Zero to One: “PayPal had a suitably grand mission — the kind that post-bubble skeptics would later describe as grandiose. We wanted to create a new internet currency to replace the US dollar.” PayPal’s “co-founder” was Elon Musk, showing both parties aimed to replace the US dollar from a very early date in their careers. Marc Andreessen has also been instrumental in financing the rise of Bitcoin.
Let’s not forget about JD Vance, the current Vice President, who after a talk Thiel did at Yale Law School, described it as “the most significant moment of my time” at the institution. He later went on to be mentored by Thiel and joined one of his VC companies. He also received about $15 million dollars in donation from Thiel for his Senate campaign in 2022 which was ultimately successful. This was the largest amount donated to a single Senate candidate ever. Forbes published a good timeline of Thiel and Vance’s relationship last year.
Bitcoin City in El Salvador will never happen now, because they no longer have it as legal tender.
That’s hopeful to hear, but just reading the article, two things stand out:
The reform eliminated the word “currency” when referring to bitcoin, but says it is “legal tender.” Despite the lack of clarity, it lifts, as required by the IMF, the obligation to accept it in transactions or debt payments, a key condition for it to be “legal tender,” according to economic analysts. With the change, “if someone owes you money and wants to pay you in bitcoin, you can refuse to be paid in bitcoin, but you cannot refuse if it’s legal tender,” economist Carlos Acevedo explained.
The government, she assured, will continue buying bitcoin and having reserves in this cryptocurrency. According to the National Bitcoin Office, El Salvador has 6,050 bitcoins worth $634.8 million. “President Bukele continues buying bitcoin, we have a Bitcoin Office, we have the Bitcoin Law, bitcoin can be used in El Salvador. It hasn’t been an easy road,” Mayorga summarized.
They are just removing it as “legal tender” to meet the conditions for an IMF loan and will continue investing in bitcoin.
Why americans even pay taxes?
For the military and giving handouts to billionaires.
I say we get rid of all patent and IP laws too and see how he does.
Throw copyright on the pile too, lot of billionaires coating off that shit
Now THAT is a good idea
No, that like that! -fElon
This is how you can fight back and help us. This would be very effective.
Probably okay honestly. IP isn’t as strong of a barrier as the infrastructure to build the product. And he has both a car factory and a rocket factory. Twitter is the only thing that might annoy him but it’s already being cloned so there’s very little there to protect anyway.
All he gonna do on that front is to empower his and others’ AI companies even further…
You have to remember that musk literally, unironically, thinks we’re npcs. He actually genuinely does not think that the masses of poor people are actually people.
So no, he won’t fucking care.
He should maybe remember that the deathclaws that punish you for skipping straight to New Vegas are also NPCs.
He paid someone to get past that part for him.
You got a little extra negative there.
Not negativity, you can’t overstate the direness. Just grammar.
He actually genuinely thinks that the masses of poor people aren’t actually people.
Yep fixed, fat thumbs on a tiny phone screen
So he’s Homelander. That’s wonderful.
He fucking wishes.
Pretty sure that level of delusion is comparable to Chris-chan. Which is fitting because if there are two people I want nothing to do with outside of homicide its them. Musk because he is a sub human Anglo African and Chris-Chan because im pretty sure id default to mercy killing them.
How is Chris-chan on one level with musk? I believe you, I just genuinely do not know
General disconnect from tbe underlying functions of reality. In the case of Chris-Chan its a matter of their mind being scrambled by underlying mental health issues and decades of trolling, in Musks case its moreso a matter of being a rich being corrosive as a baseline and him being so narcissistic and maladaptive also a lot of ketamine.
Frankly I pity Chris-chan, as for Musk I would revel in his death.
scrambled by underlying mental health issues and decades of trolling
Hey wouldn’t it be fun if a large group of people spent twenty years convincing a seriously mentally ill person that they have various girlfriends (and trick them into sending porn to those “girlfriends” - usually teenage boys), that Nintendo wants to make their OC official, and then finally that they are an interdimensional goddess with magical powers that needs to have sex with their mom?
The “Liquid Chris saga” almost seems innocent in comparison to the later shit - but realizing that they probably believed that there was an imposter who had stolen their girlfriend and that Nintendo had been tricked into making the imposter’s Sonichu series… like that’s really fucked up.
Like, wtf is that other than a mass psychological torture and bullying campaign? Why did no one at any point intervene?
There were attampts at intervention but they largely failed, the fact of the matter is there was and is very little legal framework for this type of shit and what does exist is wholly insufficient.
Personally I am of the documentarian branch when it co.es to observing lolcows, observe but dont interact. If content dries up then thats generally good. Dont harrass dont bother if theyre doing something illegal collect evidence and hand it over to the police, if the police do nothing then you can break them. Serisouly imagine if folks did to the Zoosadists what they did to Chris-Chan.
I’m glad to see fellow Christorians out here.
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In my experience, if you have a boss that bitches about OSHA and how they’re totally unnecessary, you’ve got a shitty boss. I’m talking the kind that would get you killed to save a nickel and then go on about how they’re the real victims of you going and getting yourself killed like that.
Yeah, as someone who has to design around Osha, I fucking love them. It’s incredibly convenient to have “safe enough” written down and with requirements that I can tell the money people I’m professionally obligated to not knowingly contribute to bypassing. And the recommendations are great, “we won’t stop you, but if you get sued you’re at fault” is excellent.
Without this, employees will still get hurt, they’ll still sue in accordance with the employers legislatively maneat3e requirement to maintain a safe working environment, but now without chevron and without Osha recommendations and requirements I have no idea what the judge will decide. And furthermore I don’t have a handy guide to safe enough. And without that I’m left grappling with management and my conscience and my limited knowledge of something related to but not fully my field.
I feel the same about the EPA. These regulatory bodies are great reference tools to obligations that remain.