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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Don’t go by any general rules. If you are unsure, take it home and sit down with your mushroom guide book and go through all the ways of identifying it and separating it from similar species until you are sure, or you give up and throw it away.

    Just off the cuff here are a couple of examples that violate the advice given above, golden chanterelle is very spicy but perfectly edible; gyromitra esculenta (“false morel”) does not have lamelles, is supposed to be mildly flavoured, but is deadly toxic.

  • Not chmod related, but I’ve made some other interesting mistakes lately.

    Was trying to speed up the boot process on my ancient laptop by changing the startup services. Somehow ended up with nologin never being unset, which means that regular users aren’t allowed to log in; and since I hadn’t set a root password, no one could log in!

    Installed a different version of Python for a project, accidentally removed the wrong version of Python at the end of the day. When I started the computer the next day, all sorts of interesting things were broken!

  • This is likely because docker runs Linux in a VM on MacOS right?

    We’ve had similar problems with stuff that works on the developers Mac but not the server which is case sensitive. It can be quite insidious if it does not cause an immediate “file not found”-error but say falls back to a default config because the provided one has the wrong casing.

  • Well completion-ignore-case is enough to solve this particular problem, the other options are just sugar on top :)

    I’m going to add completion-prefix-display-length to these related bonus tips (I have it set to 9). This makes it a lot easier to compare files with long names in your tab completion.

    For example if you have a folder with these files:

    FoobarSystem-v20.69.11-CrashLog2022-12-22 FoobarSystem-v20.69.11.config FoobarSystem-v20.69.12 FoobarSystem-v20.69.12-CrashLog2023-10-02 FoobarSystem-v20.69.12.config FoobarSystem-v20.69.12.userprofiles

    Just type vim TAB to see

     ...1-CrashLog2022-12-22   ...1.config   ...2   ...2-CrashLog2023-10-02   ...2.config   ...2.userprofiles
    $vim FoobarSystem-v20.69.1

    GNU Readline (which is what Bash uses for input) has a lot of options (e.g. making it behave like vim), and your settings are also used in any other programs that use it for their CLI which is a nice bonus. The config file is ~/.inputrc and you’d enable the above mentioned options like this

    $include /etc/inputrc
    set completion-ignore-case on
    set show-all-if-ambiguous on
    set completion-map-case on
    set completion-prefix-display-length 9

  • Here I was thinking they would tone it down for the sequel because a lot of the DLC for the first game was pretty worthless. Who buys a dozen songs for 4€ when you can just play spotify/youtube/mp3s in the background?

    I guess this is to get you to pay for their subscription to enjoy the full game. But unless they are going to make the base game free it just feels like a ripoff.