• 345 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Chu assez révolté merci. Outragé ben raide même.

    No way qu’on va participer au génocide qu’Israël est en train de faire. La cour internationale de la justice les ont trouvé coupable d’apartheid, de crime contre l’humanité et de génocide. Pis nous autres on va aller leur fournir des bombes pour leur donner plus de munitions pour continuer? Hey no fucking way câlice!

    Non seulement je crains que ces armes soient utiliser pour tuer des civils, mais je crains également que nous soyons accusés par association d’avoir participé à ces crimes, mais qu’en plus que ça pourrait emmener le conflit chez nous.

    Pis mais que ce conflit prenne une plus grande envergure, croyez moi que ça va commencer à péter icitte aussi.

  • I’m so fucking sick of this shit.

    You can compare this to Russia or Nazis or whoever the fuck you want. They don’t give a good God damn about it. By they I mean Israel, the US and every fucking Western country that enabled these barbaric fucking murderers to do these massacres.

    How much mistreatment and how much torque and how many dead Arabs does it fucking take before this becomes a fucking Holocaust?

    Instead of commenting on some fringe social media that the masses or your government representatives won’t ever read, call your government representatives and let them know that it’s about fucking time to start imposing sanctions against Israel and to hold their leaders accountable for severe war crimes and crimes against humanity and genocide. Stop sending weapons, ammo and armored vehicles. Put out fucking arrest warrants and arrest anybody that was involved from the smallest foot soldier to the very president of Israel as soon as they set foot in their country.

    Demand this shit or threaten with a god damn nationwide riot.

  • I’ve been looking into Timeshift, the gui tool to set up scheduled snapshots. I wonder if it’s possible to make it take snapshots and save them to an external drive?


    So reading more into BTRFS, making snapshots on an external drive isn’t exactly what I need. However, snapshots are an amazing tool to have. Snapshots are light and fast and allow you to roll back changes almost like a version control system. I can see a lot of advantages of using this filesystem especially if you’re using a more bleeding edge distro that’s prone to breakage. You can easily rollback if something breaks or if you mess up playing with settings or system files.

    I know I’ll be using this on my upcoming install on my home desktop PC. Especially with the Timeshift app which makes it all the easier.