If the US economy is hurt people do stop going to bars, but it’s still a weird thing for this article to include
If the US economy is hurt people do stop going to bars, but it’s still a weird thing for this article to include
That’s the problem with platforms that offshoot for free speech reasons.
I want to be able to say eat the rich and luigi magione was right.
Others want to spout hate in all forms.
Then people begin to argue these are the save of you should tolerate intolerance. Which you should never do
I didn’t say it was magic. Part of the issue is we don’t know what modifications he made in making his artificial version. I won’t pretend like there aren’t a lot of unknowns there. It could alter the effectiveness in numerous ways.
Having a heterozygous deletion is still effecting the right gene. Without knowing both of her parents genetics it’s hard to say if it was natural. What he did could produce either a heterozygous or homozygous result on the gene, but only the homozygous presentation is effective at prevention.
So 1 was a full success and the other showed activation on the appropriate gene, but not enough to confer resistance. Although it is possible it does since he used an artificial gene. We know the natural one is not effective in a heterozygous presentation. I still think that was his greatest mistake. He should have just used the naturally effective gene.
You do make a good point with the full backing rigor of the scientific method this procedure would always be successful.
Per the wikipedia page it states that it is not clear if it effective because they’re not going to intentionally infect the children to test it. But we see the results specifically on the targeted gene. That’s a success and demonstrates the technology works.
I’d argue the folly was inserting an artificial gene as opposed to the natural gene that we already know works. Either way the technology showed expression on the correct gene, that is a success.
We’d be having a better discourse on this if his results weren’t banned from every journal and not studied.
By all accounts what he did worked. The potential to end HIV is huge. The amount of human suffering that could be reduced by rolling out what he did is very real.
The technology is here. It’s better to strictly manage it for the public good than to lock it away.
Frankly I would need to gather several experts and have access to all relevant data to even begin.
However, bringing in the world’s 9th largest economy would have it’s benefits. If joined it would be the 4th largest economy in the EU.
I believe that would provide great benefit.
The only thing you’ve mentioned that I have a suggestion on how to handle would be smuggling. Simply when leaving Canada to fly into the EU they go through standard security. Your already not allowed to fly with prohibited substances. If you’re really worried when first arriving in Europe they can go through customs and then be allowed free travel. Although the existing land borders in Europe are much harder to control. Canada being an ocean away can be controlled much easier. Even if it’s land borders are larger.
I’m sure these things could be addressed while still maintaining the economic benefits of bringing Canada into the EU.
I doubt the European Georgia is the one producing pecans. I can only speak for the state of Georgia, but pecans are a huge industry there. So I’d be willing to bet product of georgia = USA
Dismissing a state’s right to sovereignty is the most anti-democratic thing I can think of.
Considering Ukraine is the only modern/western democracy to have been invaded for territorial conquest in about 80 years demonstrates the level of bullshit that you’re spouting.
On par form his last time in office. Speeding up the rate of executions is a very weird policy point.
If they remove my pork tumors can I keep them?
That probably explains the censorship crackdowns
You can find that on Reddit, but now it gets you permanently banned. And that’s why after 12 years of reddit I’m here. It’s a much nicer place. Currently less conversation, but decent quality.
That’s why I’m here
Not a brand, buy I will never stop or buy anything within the city limits of Antlers, Oklahoma
I bought a really cheap 11 dollar wireless charger for my car and it has lasted a crazy amount of time. It opens and closes with a sensor or a nub on the back that I run my finger across.
I did not expect it to last 6 years, but it’s still going strong. It even survived me flipping my car.
In a pinch an ICE agent also works