Heck, I have about 10 phones in my own house, there’s about 20-25 at my in-laws.
Me because I keep old gadgets
In-laws because they have 8 children, and instead of the trash they just toss old phones into a box for anyone who breaks the new one.
Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.
I’m someone’s favorite.
Heck, I have about 10 phones in my own house, there’s about 20-25 at my in-laws.
Me because I keep old gadgets
In-laws because they have 8 children, and instead of the trash they just toss old phones into a box for anyone who breaks the new one.
I haven’t really been keeping up with nuclear news, so that’s actually a surprise to me that so many reactors are in-progress!
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the narrative of some is “nuclear is evil” instead of “China is beating us on energy, BUILD MORE TO BEAT THEM!” But oil lobbies really do have their claws into every facet of government… Quadruple down on fossil fuels and smear campaigns, money machine go brrr.
Don’t feel bad, it took until “valley” for me to realize, and those movies were my jam as a child.
The Voth are pushovers, I can destroy one of their city ships with a Miranda Class.
Oh what’s with the 15 other ships flying around the area? Don’t mind them. Just my bros. Totally solo’d. Mhmm.
Man, what is it with Sci fi and having futuristic tech from Dino-descendants.
I’m not complaining, I want more.
no Democrat is likely to do that
Honestly this is what pisses me off.
When an opponent who literally wants you or yours dead hands you a gun, shoot them with it. Because if you don’t shoot, they will.
Republicans have handed democrats so many tools over the years they could easily wield against Republicans… But they don’t.
They take the “high road.”
The Moral High Road is Filled With Corpses.
Fun fact! This is also how we know when certain asteroids smashed into the earth, because the impact deposits a layer of minerals and elements not found super common in the crust.
Also, sensing equipment that uses or detects radiation as part of its function has to be made of non-radioactive materials in order to not interfere. And since hairless apes started cracking atoms open, all steel is ever so slightly radioactive. They need special preparations to make steel without any isotopes present. This also means pre-1945 steel fetches a higher price in some instances.
That’s the whole point of things like this.
Make it seem super scary, turn public opinion against anything nuclear.
Usually you see articles like this pop up whenever there are renewed discussions for nuclear power plants. Not sure if this is one of those, or just clickbait.
Okay this might sound like conspiracy theory bullshit… But is there any major country preparing to construct nuclear power plants, or is there a looming decision about nuclear power over fossil fuels coming soon?
Because this is the exact kind of news article you see get pushed whenever someone starts making nuclear power seem like the viable option that it is.
Anything that makes it seem like it’s seconds from ending all life on the planet as we know it.
Anything to demonize it.
Anything to turn public perception negative.
“But that still doesn’t mean you’ll get to play it”
Well then it doesn’t exist.
And until I actually am staring at the introduction screens, it’s vaporware.
Have we gone on long enough to see the endless wheel of “HALF LIFE 3???” once again spin back around? I remember seeing a handful of these a year, every time valve did anything.
Expect nothing, and you can’t be disappointed.
At this point I’m convinced Hungary could outright launch a military assault on one of its neighbors and the EU as a whole would just say “no” and wag their fingers at the problem.
I’m sure the various heads of state would also take the situations into consideration as they are deeply concerned
Is it just me or does every government all over the world just drag its feet when it comes to opposing blatant fascism and bad-faith actors?
My mother keeps sending stuff over Facebook, my sister keeps inviting me to supposedly important events over Facebook, my work wants me to use twitter, and my brother in law keeps sending tiktock videos.
I remind all of them that I don’t use social media, and my Facebook account is only up for the 2 times a year I need it to get ahold of otherwise-unreachable people. If you want something, send me a text or email and be direct.
Kojima dropped David Hayter like a sack of rotting potatoes, they can both get fucked.
The corpo can get fucked extra hard though.
some suggest that herders need to start acquiring private land and operating like other businesses
Yes, why don’t these poor farmers who have nowhere else to go simply BUY large plots of land?
Let them eat cake.
Oil companies and the ICE manufacturers that rely on them.
Changing production lines to EVs is expensive, and they want profits now. Not later. Line must go UP
My hope: increased costs make people demand domestic manufacturing, companies and governments actually listen and decide import costs aren’t worth it and move all manufacturing back inside their own borders.
Politicians like to bullshit about “job creation” all day, but this, massively expanding domestic manufacturing capabilities, would create more jobs than any program put out since WWII.
All I can think of while seeing “Oklahoma city” is “oh… Shit…”
So much stuff is going to die around here simply because it can’t live in Oklahoma’s climate.
Certain trees have started dying en-masse around me because they were already at their upper tolerance for temperatures and water.
Luckily the internet exists and allows you to see present day conditions without going to the place yourself!
I’ve noticed a lot of people are the “sit back and watch your neighbors be executed and sent to camps” crowd.
Unfortunately there’s also a lot in the “I would but not alone” crowd.
It’s why left-wing organized groups get alphabetted at the drop of a hat.