Hellö, Leon Lobster here. On my way to lörn Karate, be bäck söön.
snipp snipp
Hellö, Leon Lobster here. On my way to lörn Karate, be bäck söön.
snipp snipp
Unterschätze niemals die Dummheit von Menschen. Auch in LGBTIQ-Kreisen existieren genügend Vollidiot*innen.
Passenderweise bin ich Teil der 43,5 Prozent. :)
My thumbs are double jointed, so I can move the middle parts 90° backwards.
I think Strange New Worlds could be a good start for someone entirely new to the franchise. Not too dark, a lot of vibes from the The Original Series and solid cast / writing.
Aloha :)
I put it in words even you can understand: Fuck off!
And welcome to my blocklist. :)
Joining a protest against right-winged fucks in Germany. Same for next Saturday and the Saturday after that.
Banjo slander will not be tolerated.
I see Father Ted, I upvote.
Btw: feel free to DM me, I’ve got great friends in the UK who would be super eager to help in case you need support. :)
Das wird viele Jahre dauern, leider. Vergiss nicht, dass wir hier in Faxland sind.
I wish both of you all the best. Safe travels!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Tuna who?
Tuna piano and it’ll sound better.
YouTube Music + decent Adblocker or Vivaldi Browser.
Everspace once I’m back from my holidays abroad.
Horses are evil.
I’ve always hated London with a passion. Shares the 1st place on my most disliked cities list along with Hamburg. I used to live in Berlin for a while and I enjoyed it a lot, but that was ages ago. I found the people a lot more accessible, though. Back in the UK, I mostly enjoyed Belfast. Glasgow is a close second.