• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • Lol you clearly are not American referencing GI Joe like it’s 1985.

    Look all of this is fine and dandy to sound like a Vietnamese extra in “full metal jacket” on the Internet.

    In reality, if America takes the gloves off against any country your gonna find out real quick America never wanted the land grab. And you’re going to be wishing they did while your sitting in your WW1 trench fields that get left over from our 100 hours Operation Desert Storm 2 electric boogaloo coming to a country near you. You’re countries government left in a power vacuum state while the extremist fight over who is going to rule over you with an Islamic iron fist. Regardless of region. Regardless of religion. Regardless of geography. You don’t fuck with Americans equipment.

    There’s a reason other countries beg for our equipment. There’s a reason Poland asks for more of our bases and weapon systems. There’s a reason Western worlds are superior.

    Sorry you can kick the sand all you want and ho hum. Either start dancing to the rhythm or get the fuck outta the ballroom.

  • So I’ll be using Linux for gaming. But I know I can do the same in Linux. Other than Doom the dark ages, I see no games I’m interested in that may possibly need an upgrade in hardware. And I’m gonna assume if my 4770/1060 can run eternal at 60fps high/ultra 1080p I’ll be fine for the future.

    That seems like unreal engine 5 problems. I won’t be buying games with unreal engine 5. I don’t like the way they feel while playing.