Ohh I see you’re missing out on the fun side of “legit” Because this is what I am thinking when somebody says “legit”
Also isn’t it some kind of skateboard term from the 90’s? “Broooo that 720 was legiiit 🤙”
“Like” is a critical one for me. As a non native speaker it’s just so tempting to use. Like in the above example. I would have 100% introduced that direct speech with Like
Es hilft halt auch nicht dass manche Spiele wie HLL “Erika” als Titelmelodie bei einem deutschen Sieg spielen. Mir ist selbst auch schon passiert, dass du dann von dem Lied nen Ohrwurm bekommst.
I would classify them as full democracies but if you want hard numbers I would check your countries score here
The best asdf bits are ones without any prior context.
Mailbox.org is great! Has many benefits and can be fairly cheap. (A few € a month)
Just make a proper threat level analysis.
Are you a journalist or politically exposed person in a non-democratic or semi democratic system?
Are you in a key position of a company or agency providing (for) critical infrastructure?
Are you just a little shit, trolling on the internet?*
Yes? Maybe just dial that back.
Verdict: You are of no interest for a state sponsored Spy Software or some script kiddy trying to wreck your day.
*Hypothetical situation. Does not necessarily apply to the OP.
Ich weiß nicht wies in D ist aber in Ö gibt es einzele. Diese sind jedoch als LKW zugelassen
I recommend giving the X Man Series another try. I recently did and it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. The original timeline just feel like perfect cheap action movies from the 2000s. Brought me back to my childhood. Same with the “Unbreakable Trilogy”
“Nackt im Zug” Wie ich meinen Urlaub in der Schweiz verbringe geht Sie gar nichts an!!
That sucks so much. I have such a cool vein scanner built in to unlock my laptop jedi style and I can’t use it because Fujitsu decided to not add support for Linux 🙄
Gmail really is a drug, huh?
Nobody goes like" Oh fuck I can’t take it anymore I just need another hit of Google Lens"
Keeping accounts for key services is a smart idea because at least you will always be able to take control if you need to. Also identity theft gets harder
A Cinema in Vienna still play “The third man” as their last showing of the day
Yes-ish However the differences are not as big as you think. While this might be true for the luxury brands the “common” brands do share parts, often quite crucial ones too. (Think headlamps, think servos) Also they started to borrow design aspects from each other. They are not identical but certain lines do look very similar on a quick glance
Also currently trying to get NIS2/27001 compliant before the October deadline hits? ^^
I mean this is sort of like what the new NIS2 Regulations tries to achieve. Make critical infrastructure producers and maintainers aware and force them to treat their infrastructure accordingly.
Nervous sweating from the Audi-Bentley-Ducati-Lamborghini-Seat-Skoda-Volkswagen-Porsche-Conglomerate known as “Volkswagen AG”
Definitely hide any cylinders tho
They never actually said this. Some MS Engineer did and the press ran with it.