Life in US has progressively been turned into shit over last 40 years with a few exceptions.
These boomer talking points are getting old… Owner class and retiring boomers need working people to accept the current unacceptable conditions as wagie.
It’s still true that the boomer respite is just an historical anomaly, it doesn’t mean people shouldn’t wish for better living conditions, it just means that we shouldn’t settle for what they got because we were can see, it didn’t last!
Life in US has progressively been turned into shit over last 40 years with a few exceptions.
These boomer talking points are getting old… Owner class and retiring boomers need working people to accept the current unacceptable conditions as wagie.
It’s still true that the boomer respite is just an historical anomaly, it doesn’t mean people shouldn’t wish for better living conditions, it just means that we shouldn’t settle for what they got because we were can see, it didn’t last!
It did not last because boomers sold out their kids for 401k and mcmansions.
Owner class was able to convince them to do this with out much afford tbh.