The qons cannot stand Carter. They cannot seem to make up their mind - along with an assist from the “liberal media” whether he was the worst President ever, at least until Obama, because, well, Obama was Presidenting While Black. Also, Clinton got that blowjob, so…
But yeah, they think Carter was an embarrassment as a President. They’ll sometimes concede that his Habitat for Humanity was a good thing, but that’s about it.
The qons cannot stand Carter. They cannot seem to make up their mind - along with an assist from the “liberal media” whether he was the worst President ever, at least until Obama, because, well, Obama was Presidenting While Black. Also, Clinton got that blowjob, so…
But yeah, they think Carter was an embarrassment as a President. They’ll sometimes concede that his Habitat for Humanity was a good thing, but that’s about it.