Suddenly the normal sleep tracking became something completely unusable. Is this enshittification or did I do something wrong?
Did you recently stop paying for fitbit premium or have the free trial expire? This happened to me when my free trial expired.
What fixed it for me was restarting the watch. I’m back up and running and my deep sleep and REM cycles are working again. I’ve heard if that doesn’t work, you can un-pair the watch, restart it and re-pair to your phone and it could fix it. Good luck!
Hey, restarting actually worked! Sometimes the solution is just too easy. Thanks for the heads-up.
Die Antwort ist unten rechts, lol.
Auch mit Premium sieht’s aus wie rechts. Letzter Tag mit detaillierter Anzeige war der 10.10.
Habe Premium durchgängig gehabt und auch sonst nichts verändert.
Versuch’s mal mit Neustart. Hat bei mir geholfen.
Verbeschissung ist das neue Schwarz.