The relevant bit from the larger article:

Following the recent delisting of Live Wire’s port of the arcade shooting game Mushihimesama, they’ve just announced that their remaining Cave ports will also be unavailable for digital purchase from December 2 due to an expiration of their publishing license. As they stand, DoDonPachi Resurrection is currently available on Steam and iOS and will remain available for the foreseeable future, but Espgaluda II’s previous ports (a Japan-only Xbox 360 port and an iOS port) are long unavailable, meaning there are no current commercial alternatives to the Switch version. Do note that both games have received separate physical runs in North America, Japan and, very recently, Europe, so you may want to look into those while the prices are still somewhat reasonable.

    3 months ago

    glad i got ddp on steam! for all the great shmups on the switch, i was worried this kind of thing might happen.