Hope to see lots of you there for it!

  • oxjox@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    The proposed arena is privately funded.
    I am firmly on board with keeping this out of center city.
    I’m also firmly on board with keeping the area a shopping area and not a bio lab.

    If people were to turn out to games like they have historically, this would cause havoc on our already crumbling infrastructure. It would increase traffic in the city. It would deteriorate public transit. It would inflate ride share costs across the city. Traffic on the surrounding highways is already intolerable. People are going to sit in traffic then find out there’s no where to park then never come back. This is such a horrible, horrible idea.

    I’m slightly less concerned with Chinatown losing its significance but that’s certainly a big part of this. There’s no chance this arena would significantly increase revenue enough for local businesses. You’ll see growth in national chain establishments in the area where sports fans would sooner flock to. Rent and housing costs would skyrocket in the immediate area leaving a vacancy for wealthy investors to buy up and flip for tens of millions.

    This should 100% go to Camden in an area that’s already in need of local business and infrastructure improvement.