Eggs still aren’t cheaper
Eggs still aren’t cheaper
Ya, they aren’t as special as the buckling springs ones, but dome model Ms still are kick ass keyboards and I’m glad to see this one is in a loving home doing what it does best!
They all look so cool and like they are having a great time in their armor. Love that for them.
I agree. I felt a strong drop in animation quality going from S1 to S2, and frankly, S1’s animation wasn’t the greatest (see penultimate episode copy pasted birds falling out of the sky when the big laser hit). It doesn’t need to be God tier animation, but it feels like they are cutting corners on it and it lessens the overall show. It is like benching 450 but skipping leg day.
Green iguanas are sometimes called Bamboo Chicken for how edible they are. I think eating them is a good way to deal with them if they are an invasive species in an area
The design is very human
That is a below average lift span for a mouse’s microswitch. If you know how to solder you can probably replace the micro switch though. I know switch oddities sells loose mouse switches and I’m sure plenty of other places do too.
I think the later
Look at the gray around the eyes of this good ol’ dog. Clearly an experienced cuddlebug and a veteran napper. We are lucky to get to see such an expert in action.
I think linears are fine for typing, but if you don’t like them for that then that is fine. Swap the switches!
Is Luigi as kind and handsome as he appears?
His face says no jury will ever convict him!
She is saying what we are all thinking.
One short one fat one lean!
I do not dispute this point. It is hilarious to me that a kung fu panda expansion was one of the best. It being a good expansion does not make it any less ridiculous.
No, they jumped the shark with the Kung Fu Panda expansion. That was about a decade ago.
Double F rows are always a good choice
Wait, I thought it was already wrapped up
Fuck, I got curated Tumblr and curated Twitter mixed up while selecting a community to post to. My bad
Wake me up in 10 years when their patent expires