An open letter organised by national shared transport charity Collaborative Mobility UK (CoMoUK) is calling for the new Labour government to ‘urgently’ legalise e-scooters, saying it is the only way to resolve the problems caused by “entirely unregulated” privately-owned e-scooters being ridden on public roads. The letter, to Transport Secretary Louise Haigh and her ministers, says e-scooters could be legalised through the creation of a new “low powered zero emission vehicle class” which could also cover other forms of transport.
There’s a road near me where they spend loads of money “upgrading” the cycle infrastructure, literally all they did was to paint some white lines. Which as you say people park on.
It’s ridiculous.
There’s one road near me and I usually count over 5 vehicles parked in the cycle lane when I go past.
idk how that can happen, I genuinely think the parking officers just ignore it these days.
They’d rather walk around the car parks checking vehicles than deal with actually troublesome parking.
There’s one near me that’s only about 200 meters. Nothing joining for miles in either direction.
I suppose it puts a tick in a box somewhere.
Yeah I’m positive it’s just a box ticking next exercise.
But it’s just another example of the conservatives and their complete lack of any real interest in the carbon initiative, because that’s where this comes from. They were supposed to increase cycle infrastructure by a certain percent by a certain date, but since they were not going to do that they instead they decided to just paint some white lines on the ground and claim that they’d done it.
Then about 5 years ago they just decided to give up and not even pretend anymore, and left us with whatever mess they had got to.