Steam deck
I really want one. But I also want to save some money and get the second iteration
I waited a year before I got one, and I should have bought it day 1. I love rogue likes, and it’s perfect for them. Plus getting games on sale for massive discounts quickly reduced the overall cost of my gaming habits.
Get the base model. Upgrading the storage is easy, and you can get a matte screen protector to mimic the top one.
I had my eyes on the OLED edition. But then I was like maybe I should hold off till they release version 2 or something. But I don’t know with valve time if it’ll ever happen
I had a retro game emulator on a burnt disc and that was the most fun I’ve ever had.
Then I dated a crack enthusiast who stole it.
“crack enthusiast” is wild
Like videogame cracks, or…?
She was.
Oh hey! My jungle green n64 suffered the same fate. Eleven years ago and I’m still salty.
The Dreamcast is one system I have always wanted and never had. I do not even know what games were on it. I just want one.
I think my all time favorite is the N64. Some aspects haven’t aged all that well — the controller is obviously weird by modern standards — but it was such a huge jump from 2D gaming. It was new and exciting in ways that are almost impossible now.
And I still like how weird it was. There was tons of experimentation by developers while figuring out how this new era would work on top of the usual fun, Nintendo quirkiness in the first party games. The PS2 and Xbox ended up setting the standard for modern gaming controls, optical discs, and all the rest but the N64 lived in a weird, fun transition space between retro and modern.
Ooh, that’s a tough call… I really can’t say I have a single favorite, best I can do is say a favorite per generation:
Pong - the one that started it all. Also taught everyone about screen burn in.
Atari 2600 - Hands down, one of the all time greats.
NES - Hard to beat Super Mario 3, but my favorite game of this generation was Phantasy Star on the Sega Master System.
Sega Genesis - Sorry, the SNES never grabbed me, although Super Star Wars was a great game. Best home version of Street Fighter II was on the Turbo Grafx/Duo of all things.
- I’m going to add an “unofficial” generation here. You will never see this on any official list. Call it 4.5. There was a weird period of time where everyone and their cousin was doing a CD based machine. Sega CD, Turbo CD, Pioneer LaserActive, a whole bunch of crappy “set top boxes” like the Phillips CDi and Tandy Viz. The best of the bunch, with the most games and the best games was the Sega CD.
Playstation - Another all time great.
As much as I love the Dreamcast, it was murdered pre-maturely by Sega. Xbox and Halo just demolished everything else. I don’t know that we ever got an official “Halo Killer” until it suicided with Halo Infinite.
Xbox 360 - Sony handicapped itself with the overly complex cell processor. Games just weren’t as good as the 360.
PS4 - In this case, Microsoft handicapped itself by fundamentally misunderstanding why people buy consoles. It’s to play games, not “tv, tv, tv, tv, tv, sports, tv, tv, tv.”
- Another unofficial generation, call it 8.5, where you had the PS4 Pro, Xbox One S and Xbox One X - The One X was the clear winner with more power, 4K enhancements and a 4K Blu Ray player.
- Playstation 5 - Microsoft is losing the plot with Gamepass, to the detriment of the entire industry.
I like your comment.
Great write up ⚡
360? Guess you didn’t enjoy any red rings of death.
I was so late to the 360 game i got the last gen console they made. Fucker was slim and quiet and currently still going strong, but the disc tray occasionally misbehaves. God the fan on that first one though omg
That’s a hardware problem, not software, and fixable. PS3 had a similar issue:
PlayStation 2 due to it’s game library.
SNES. The console had enough power for great games while still having obvious limitations the developers acknowledged. The great SNES games still look and play good today.
The PSX/N64 generation, despite having some great games, has aged horribly because they started chasing that photorealism dragon.
It’s a 3-way tie I think. Since the Steam Deck can emulate almost anything, that’s a winner. But for legacy consoles, the 3DS and PSP have probably eaten up most of my game time. Between those two, the 3DS has a massive catalogue of games unique to its dual-screen touch interface, so…I guess the 3DS?
Wii U
I hacked mine recently, it’s truly incredible what people have made work. It’s the perfect Nintendo emulating machine
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SEGA Genesis. Altered Beast is still a favorite game.
Yeah I know, right!? I like that system too!
Here it is out and ready right now!
Mine are currently all in storage. I have the OG like yours and the newer version as well. I also have SEGA cds for both, and a 3rd system with a 32x.
Wise foam yor grawves!
PlayStation 2. Some of the best games ever made, full compatibility with its predecessor which itself had an incredible library, AND easily hackable!
Shame about the controller, though.
Easily hackable? Might have to look into that in the future, so long as we aren’t talking hardware modifications.
Edit: looks like something I’d try in the future if I ever end up with a spare PS2 because I don’t trust myself not to brick my current PS2 somehow, despite the instructions I found being real easy to follow.
I don’t think there’s much risk of bricking the system, honestly. If you wanted, you could even get a FreeMcBoot card off eBay, and avoid having to do the setup on your own system at all. That’s the beauty of the mod - if you know someone who’s done it, they can very easily make another modded memory card for you!
My big problem with stuff like that is I know I could probably do it, but I’m worried I’d find the one way that bricks the system. Might look into seeing how much a pre-modified card, though, since I never thought about the whole thing of them being sold online.
The Wii U.
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XB360 had a great controller, great library, and graphics that still hold up. What more do you need?
Probably Nintendo game cube. But from what I now a Wii U that’s modded can natively play Wii and GameCube games and emulate the earlier Nintendo games.
I like couch party games and between the Wii U and n64 there is no shortage of them.
Steam Deck, for sure. I can play games from any other console.