It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

  • sunstoned
    6 months ago

    Try this, friend

    Tap for spoiler
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
        lock-false = {
          Value = false;
          Status = "locked";
        lock-true = {
          Value = true;
          Status = "locked";
      ** ffextid
      ** Usage: `ffextid [install_url]`
      ** Description: simple script to find the extension id from an extension's manifest
      **              using the url found by right clicking the install add-on button and 
      **              selecting "copy link"
      home.packages = with pkgs; [
        (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "ffextid" ''
        #!/usr/bin/env bash 
        $(curl $1 > /tmp/ffext.xpi) 1> /dev/null
        $(unzip /tmp/ffext.xpi -d /tmp/ffext) 1> /dev/null
        # If ripgrep exists, use that. Otherwise default to grep
        if ! command -v rg &> /dev/null; 
          rg id /tmp/ffext/manifest.json
          grep id /tmp/ffext/manifest.json
        rm -rf /tmp/ffext*
      programs = {
        firefox = {
          enable = true;
          package = pkgs.wrapFirefox pkgs.firefox-unwrapped {
            extraPolicies = {
              DisableTelemetry = true;
              # add policies here...
              /* ---- EXTENSIONS ---- */
              ExtensionSettings = {
                "*".installation_mode = "blocked"; # blocks all addons except the ones specified below
                "[Manifest id]" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed" # will install the extension for you!
                  install_url = "[url]" # found by right clicking the install button on the add-on page
                # uBlock Origin:
                "" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # Privacy Badger:
                "jid1-MnnxcxisBPnSXQ@jetpack" = {
                  install_url = "";
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                # Bitwarden
                "{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # XBrowserSync
                "{019b606a-6f61-4d01-af2a-cea528f606da}" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # Decentraleyes
                "{jid1-BoFifL9Vbdl2zQ@jetpack}" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # Clear URLs
                "{74145f27-f039-47ce-a470-a662b129930a}" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                #Dark Reader 
                "" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # Cookie AutoDelete
                "" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # I don't care about cookies
                "jid1-KKzOGWgsW3Ao4Q@jetpack" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # Youtube Sponsor Block
                "" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
                # add extensions here...
                "" = {
                  installation_mode = "force_installed";
                  install_url = "";
              /* ---- PREFERENCES ---- */
              # Set preferences shared by all profiles.
              Preferences = {
                "browser.contentblocking.category" = { Value = "strict"; Status = "locked"; };
                ### BOOLEANS
                "extensions.pocket.enabled" = lock-false;
                "extensions.screenshots.disabled" = lock-true;
                "privacy.donottrack.heater.enable" = lock-true;
                "" = lock-true;
                # add global preferences here...
          /* ---- PROFILES ---- */
          # Switch profiles via about:profiles page.
          # For options that are available in Home-Manager see
          profiles ={
            sunstoned = {                 # choose a profile name; directory is /home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/profile_0
              id = 0;               # 0 is the default profile; see also option "isDefault"
              name = "sunstoned";         # name as listed in about:profiles
              isDefault = true;     # can be omitted; true if profile ID is 0
              settings = {          # specify profile-specific preferences here; check about:config for options
                "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.highlights" = false;
                "browser.startup.homepage" = "";
                "browser.newtabpage.pinned" = [{
                  title = "NixOS";
                  url = "";
                # add preferences for profile_0 here...
          # add profiles here...