At work we have a scale sensitive to the 1/10,000 of a gram. 4 decimal digits. It’s so sensitive it needs to be encased in a box so tiny connection currents don’t make it go frantic! Even in the box the number changes a lot. 15 0s is nutty.
Mine can tell if I’m sitting next to it’s desk or not. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s the deformation of the ground the desk is sitting on.
It’s really a silly amount of precision for what I use it for. But It’s so fun to lock g on .0000, even if only for a few seconds. Anyone who has a target of a specific amount of 0s can do it themselves. After the first 2 shits pretty random.
At work we have a scale sensitive to the 1/10,000 of a gram. 4 decimal digits. It’s so sensitive it needs to be encased in a box so tiny connection currents don’t make it go frantic! Even in the box the number changes a lot. 15 0s is nutty.
Convection currents?
Yes. Heckin Gboard.
Mine can tell if I’m sitting next to it’s desk or not. I’ve come to the conclusion it’s the deformation of the ground the desk is sitting on.
It’s really a silly amount of precision for what I use it for. But It’s so fun to lock g on .0000, even if only for a few seconds. Anyone who has a target of a specific amount of 0s can do it themselves. After the first 2 shits pretty random.
And a hit of acid would show something between 0.0000 and 0.0002 on the scale.
Not when I’m the detector!