In this thread, post what you’re working on! Guerilla gardening? eBiking? planting/pruning? Let us know!

    1 year ago

    I have a small backyard tree nursery which I use to grow rare species I give away to friends and acquaintances who have space to plant them.

    A lot of people don’t realize that climate change means species that we grew for shade historically won’t necessarily thrive in the future, and since we usually hope the trees we plant will live for 20+ years, we need to plan ahead. So I’m testing which species can be heat and drought tolerant enough to provide shade and other environmental benefits in the future.

      1 year ago

      This is awesome. Are we best friends now? I have a background in plant tissue culture, especially micropropagation of woody species. I don’t do that professionally anymore, mostly because I have other skills that the job market likes better. However, I always have a propagation experiment of some kind going.

      I think you are doing great work and your vision is very clear-eyed. Even from a grubby capitalist perspective, tree nurseries are a good future-proof business because climate changes are going to necessitate a lot of re-planting. It’s that kind of local knowledge you are making that if more widespread will help us develop the resilience to maybe, just maybe, get through the next couple of centuries.