This really doesn’t hit quite as hard. Googles page is just 53 variants of hangouts that each lasted less than 2 years. This is “after 18 years and a full decade of phase out, teams replaced Skype”.
Or “we rebranded calendar as outlook after 18 years so technically it’s dead but there is a compatible replacement available for free” vs “we shut down this service because we couldn’t find a way to shove ads in it”
Yeah, unlike Google a lot of these make sense (as in technology moved on) or were transitioned into other systems (Skype vs teams) or taken over by other products (atom vs vs code).
It actually makes Microsoft look somewhat good compared to the Google graveyard.
There’s plenty of great stuff in there; I especially recommend filtering for dead hardware.
But killing MSN Messenger for Skype is a much greater crime against Humanity than any of Google’s, except maybe for Google Reader.
Windows Subsystem for Android
Killed 18 days ago, Windows Subsystem for Android was a feature of Windows 11 which allows users to install and run Android apps. It was about 3 years oldAh, so that’s what happened to it.
Microsoft partnered with Amazon, but without official access to Google’s Play Store […]. That’s probably a big part of the reason Microsoft has chosen to simply kill off its Android apps on Windows 11.
I assume this list will contain a lot of “Copilot” entries in about two years.
Still miss you, bud.
Try zed, from makers of Atom. Its the fastest editor ive tried.
ILoo was just too early for it’s time.
Can’t wait to see Teams on that list one day.
RIP Kinect. It should have brilliant but wound up balls.* Alien Isolation* was the only game that used it effectively to my mind.
It ended up being a way for college students to make content for interview presentations for their first engineering job. At some point that transitioned over to every project being like those quadcopter things. Not sure what it is now.
RiP microsoft BOB 😔
God, Foldershare was the shit about 2006.
Pick any folder on your PC, share it with a friend anywhere on the internet and it kept them in sync.
The powers that be simply could not tolerate that.
I had no idea that existed!
Microsoft acquired them in about 2006 or 2007, and that was that.
Today we have Syncthing and Resilio, but that’s nowhere near as simple as Foldershare.
I miss minecraft earth and groove music.
What was minecraft earth?
Think “pokemon go” but minecraft.
Huh, sounds interesting.
Nothing about Live Writer? Has it been that well killed that it’s not worth mentioning? ;)
I know MS has open sourced it years ago, but I have not seen much of it in quite a few years…
What about Skype?
Man, using FrontPage and PhotoDraw formed my introduction to web design.
That’s one hell of a list though.
I snort laughed at “People”, but I have this feeling I read a medical professional complain about an unplanned unskippable 3 hour Windows Update cycle in Vista days at a critical moment in health care and… yeah…
It’s funny how this doesn’t affect me anymore. Just some months ago I would have looked at this with anxiety, but now it’s just entertainment.
Because you quit your job in Redmond?
No, because I switched to Linux and have very little exposure to Microsoft products anymore.
I don’t understand the anxiety then. Almost nothing Microsoft kills is actually dead just rebranded. Calendar isnt dead. Cortana is copilot. They do have some recent vr stuff that’s actually dead I guess, but…
The things you really need to worry about are successful products Microsoft buys, like Skype, because they are only buying to destroy. Discord could’ve been dead by now if Microsoft bought it. But then…they’d also have integrated teams with both Xbox and steam.
Interesting information!