Character limits are a bitch to be fair. What’s wild to me though that you seem to think abbreviations were invented alongside texting by today’s youth, not y’know ancient Greece using IMP for Imperator on their coins and shit.
Sure, they got more popular in the late 1800s in English, but I don’t think you’re that old to be calling 145yo people “kids” lol.
Now correct the kid-pidgin to English as well. ‘ppl’ is what my nephew mumbled around his pablum.
Character limits are a bitch to be fair. What’s wild to me though that you seem to think abbreviations were invented alongside texting by today’s youth, not y’know ancient Greece using IMP for Imperator on their coins and shit.
Sure, they got more popular in the late 1800s in English, but I don’t think you’re that old to be calling 145yo people “kids” lol.
Did he say it like “pee-pee-el”?
Because I’d just say that as “people”