Hi 👋 just shared the site with one of my buddies and he told me he doesn’t care much about it because there’s no way you’ll be 100% privacy enforced since you’re using an iPhone and sharing your location, name, birthdate , personal files, photos.
I’ve to say this gets to me but on the other side I’m also respectful of everyone‘s opinion because after all, this is what makes us special
How are you handling these circumstances usually, do you say something?
That’s not the only way. You can sideload unapproved apps.
Literally never seen that before but I assume you have to break the OS to do it.
No, don’t need to. Just sign up with a free dev account, and plug your phone to your computer.
It’s still an annoying process because you have to do this once a week but it’s still something that works - a bit -