This is cropped in a ways, the 16x9 version is on my Pixelfed page.
NGL I love how this came out
I captured this with my Lumix G9 with my 100-300mm lens (at 300mm) with a 1 second shutter speed.
Awesome picture!
Very nice. I missed my alarm to get up at 2:15am 😭
I feel you friend
I had the same problem with a solar eclipse that happened recently. I drive about 800 miles and then slept through it.
Oh man, that’s so much worse! I’m so sorry!
My brother needed to only drive 15 min from his house to see the full eclipse last year, which I kept repeatedly telling him, but he figured he’d “see enough of it” at his place. It wasn’t the same at all.
There’s always an xkcd. After seeing the one in 2017, I could not believe how many people would not listen to me about how much they needed to be there for the 2024 one. “Yeah, i can see 90% at my house. It’ll be close enough”. No!!! No it won’t!
Amazing. Thanks for sharing
Looks great! I’m still out taking pics; I’ll have to post some of my own after I get some sleep.
I’m stuck with bullshit clouds… I hate my life.
stupid fucking weather getting in the way of a really cool astronomical event!!!
It was raining sideways for me most of the day, and hailing off and on as well. I thought I was going to miss it like most other astronomical events that happen.
The rain about an hour before it started and picked back up just before it’s peak but I was happy to see what I did.
Most of the time I just see clouds for cool events.
Hopefully for the next cool astronomical event you’ll be able to catch it. I’ve been trying to get a specific astro photo for 2 years now because things keep going wrong; one year was a forest fire, the other it was raining. I’m going to try again this year but I’m not holding my breath.
That sucks, it’s always hit or miss with weather. I was obsessively watching the forecasts and ended up driving 3 hours away where clearer skies were predicted.
are you the same guy that used to post awesome eclipse photos on reddit?
Nope, I wish I could get to their level someday
well, i think you’re doing pretty good
Nice. I only see clouds 😖
For some reason your watermark is really pixelated here and on pixelfed.