• jwmgregory@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 days ago

        well until we figure out how to decouple hypothetical data from needing physical, real storage it tracks that every site, no matter the purpose, would need data delimiting of some kind. don’t mean to sound facetious, i like, genuinely believe we are living during some singularity shit. don’t buy the media buzzwords or anything, but, knowledge seems to be solvable. the moment someone or something discovers >exponential returns on learning we’re cooked.

        but anyway, your comment fr captured a lot of sentiment i have trouble expressing as an american zoomer in 2025. it’s so hard to explain to people from different places and different times how this all feels. people who are similar in age seem to be more aware of what’s going on; but, overall there is this shadow of ignorance over everyone and everything that manifests in different forms with each and every individual. there’s no one unified way to fight it.

        i have a shitty thread i made in one of the c/unpopularopinion comms or something to kind of vent about everything and it kind of opened my eyes to how everyone is aware of what’s going on but completely unconcious as to what it all entails.

        in the words of the great philosopher bob dylan, “and don’t speak too soon, for the wheel’s still in spin”

        • melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          3 days ago

          decouple data from needing physical real storage

          oof. so, information is physical. that means that ‘decoupling information from physical real storage’ is up there with “perpetual motion machine”. if you did that, it wouldn’t be information or usable anymore. there is a theoretical lower limit on the amount of energy to store a single bit. get on libgen and grab yourself a book on information theory.

          ‘the information: a history, a theory, a flood’ for pop-sci outlining of the concepts, but it was written a while ago so some of the ‘lets see how this goes’ near the end is kind of hilarious when you look at the neon-genesis-evangellion assed megaproject-to-kill-truth thing.

          ‘elements of information theory’ is fine if you’re comfy enough with equations rather than narratives.

          if you want to do something about the problems, try mutual aid. try organizing. get a gun. you’re gonna have to kill some nazis, if you want to keep all your friends. It’s worth it, if you’ve still got most of yours.

          • jwmgregory@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            3 days ago

            is up there with “perpetual motion machine”

            okay so like, i wasn’t being facetious in a meta sense but was being facetious in of that i was joking and knew what i said was nigh impossible.

            jeez now that i say it like that no wonder my attempt at humor didn’t land lmao. i’m sorry i’m pretty sure im autistic in some way. anyway i do computer science irl as a career and hobby, i think data as a concept is the biggest revolution since the wheel.

            hard agree tho. secure weapons, food+water, and knowledge. the only way to ride the storm.

            definitely scared for my generation’s “shot heard round the world” moment

            • melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              3 days ago

              secure weapons, food+water, and knowledge

              okay sure, but, like, you’re gonna want some other stuff too. maybe enough friends to start putting a society together?