I used to hate web frontend development. But now I’m realising I just hate JavaScript. Python is also interpreted meaning it can be hosted in a sandbox, also dymically typed, has dicts which baiscally use JSON syntax, supports multiple paradigms, etc. Instead of a language whose creators probably said “let’s make this language we named after Java a million times worse than Java”
You’re broadly going to have a bad time trying to force the wrong language for the job, fwiw.
You could always stop doing web frontend dev - there’s plenty of other stuff in programming to do. If you’re into UI dev, then modern native mobile dev runs on either Kotlin for Android or Swift for iOS, both of which are highly competent languages. Their modern UI toolkits are Jetpack Compose for Android and SwiftUI for iOS, both of which are reactive in the style of React, but unburdened by the shortcomings of JavaScript.