“Love need not be confined to acts of self-renunciation, nor should it even be construed primarily so. Instead, we need to return to the roots of love in desire (eros). And, on the other hand, the erotic need not be consigned to reproducing natural patterns. Eros is an expression of, and aims at, freedom, the creation of the new. Love-as-eros seeks out connection and mutual satisfaction. And, potentially, it gives birth.”

  • theomorphOPM
    8 days ago

    This isn’t a simple or an easy piece, and the paragraph that I quoted in the post isn’t fully representative of the ideas, or of my purpose in wanting to share it with others.

    Until we are able to recognize that love is rooted in desire, and that our desires have been suppressed and distorted and redirected by the working of power, especially through the power of excessive wealth (in oligarchs, in media moguls, in the capturers of state authority), then we will continue to fail both prophetically and politically to be the body of the Christ in the world, as the hands and feet of transformation.