Jett, also a Republican, repeatedly questioned Rader about how the bill aligns with Proverbs 22:15, which he quoted as saying: “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.”
I’d ask how bronze age morality aligns with modern morality. I’d also ask if that means, that since I think he’s a stupid fuck, can I punch him and drive the stupid out…
Where is it?
Is it the same modern morality that put Trump in the White House?
This IS modern morality. If you want the kind of morality you’re really referring to, you’ll find it outside the US - in most of Europe probably. But don’t go looking for it in the US no more.
I’d ask how bronze age morality aligns with modern morality. I’d also ask if that means, that since I think he’s a stupid fuck, can I punch him and drive the stupid out…
Those are good questions but I don’t feel he’d give you a satisfactory answer, being a poltiician
I guess our only other option is to test the theory. Maybe with a religious stick, about 42" long, made of a really nice ash.
Where is it?
Is it the same modern morality that put Trump in the White House?
This IS modern morality. If you want the kind of morality you’re really referring to, you’ll find it outside the US - in most of Europe probably. But don’t go looking for it in the US no more.