No one alive will experience a better climate than we have today. But young people will experience a much more dangerous and chaotic world in the future.

    16 days ago

    Ok, correct me if I’m wrong, but this guy doesn’t seem to have any credentials, which seems like a huge red flag to me. Especially since he spends a lot of this article shitting on mainstream climate science. I don’t know enough about climate science to know whether this is actually bunk, which is deeply distressing to me.

    But either 1, its legit and we’re headed for the literal end of the world (not as we know it, like, all life goes extinct in the scenario he poses, there is nothing left).

    Or 2, its not legit and we’re headed for the end of the world as we know it and the deaths of a distressingly large amount of the human population.

    Either way, I’m going to be doing all the same things, and we all need to do all the things we’d do if we were heading for 6.5 as if we were heading for 3, this doesn’t change anything to me, and it certainly doesn’t change anything in the minds of the biggest polluters…