So I’ve been thinking about this as my community is watching reports of FBI unload heroin, cocaine, fentanyl crossing the border. As my family is talking about how they should deport all the democrats on the left, I was thinking how this wouldn’t fix anything.

War on drugs will go on and on because of who? People who buys the hard drugs. Who buys hard drugs? Happy people working a regular job? No, I would think a happy person doesn’t just shoot up some heroin. Homeless people, sad and depressed people, the people society treats like trash.

The war on drugs is really a war on the working class if you think about it. If we fix wealth inequality, I have no doubt that there will be less drugs on the streets. Of course, we will still want drug rehab and stuff but in the big picture, it’s getting people to not even try drugs in the first place.

But you know, that’s just a theory…a game theory.

    2 months ago

    the war on drugs was started for many reasons but the most prevalent one seems to be to scare weed-smokers, to disrupt communities who have a habit of relaxing (hippies) and so on, so yes, the war against drugs isn’t a “good” thing, it’s yet another cruelty of the time.

    2 months ago

    “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper’s writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday.

    “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those.”
