Shipping containers from China are “piling up” in Russia amid a surge of Chinese goods flowing into the country as trade soars, a new analysis has found.

Russia has an extra 150,000 shipping containers that importers are scrambling to return to China, logistics platform Container xChange said in a report released Thursday, citing information provided by a customer.

“There is significant cargo movement from China into Russia but very scarce movement back to China from Russia. Containers are piling up in Russia which means that the secondhand container prices are very low in Russia,” CEO Christian Roeloffs said in the report.

  • DarkGamer
    9 months ago

    The rest of the world couldn’t assist because WWII was going on, and Simo Häyhä is long dead. Ignoring Russia at this point would be more like appeasement of Nazis as they annexed neighbors than it would be like the Winter War. Also, Finland lost 9% of its territory to Russia at the treaty ending it. This is not an acceptable outcome for Ukraine.

    • jimmydoreisalefty
      -169 months ago

      Then the war will continue until Russia gains the advantage or a golden bridge to backdown is offered.

      Superpowers do not backdown until they gain something.

      The US presidents used to be the ones to start peace talks, now they just start more wars.

      • DarkGamer
        9 months ago

        Then the war will continue until Russia gains the advantage or a golden bridge to backdown is offered.

        These are not the only possible victory conditions, overwhelming defeat and expulsion of the occupiers would also end the war. Russia does not have limitless troops and resources, nor does their morale seem to be very high.

        79 months ago

        The USSR and the US both backed down in Afghanistan, gaining nothing.

        The US also backed down in Vietnam, gaining nothing.

        Ukraine is Russia’s Vietnam. They will leave Ukraine when they realize they will never gain anything by staying.