Shipping containers from China are “piling up” in Russia amid a surge of Chinese goods flowing into the country as trade soars, a new analysis has found.

Russia has an extra 150,000 shipping containers that importers are scrambling to return to China, logistics platform Container xChange said in a report released Thursday, citing information provided by a customer.

“There is significant cargo movement from China into Russia but very scarce movement back to China from Russia. Containers are piling up in Russia which means that the secondhand container prices are very low in Russia,” CEO Christian Roeloffs said in the report.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    49 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Shipping containers from China are “piling up” in Russia amid a surge of Chinese goods flowing into the country as trade soars, a new analysis has found.

    China has emerged as a key economic lifeline for Russia after its invasion of Ukraine as the United States and its allies cut trade and imposed sanctions to choke off the Kremlin’s war effort.

    Its report pointed to China’s purchases of Russian raw materials, which are primarily transported via rail tanks and open wagons rather than in containers.

    Cars and consumer electronics are among the key products that Chinese suppliers are selling to Russia, after hundreds of global brands fled the country following the invasion.

    In the other direction, almost a fifth of China’s crude imports in July came from Russia, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said in a report released earlier this month.

    Together with India, China accounted for 80% of Russian oil exports in July, the International Energy Agency said in an August report.

    The original article contains 571 words, the summary contains 165 words. Saved 71%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    -19 months ago

    It’s too bad China didn’t actually make it to first world status before it burned out and began its descent toward shithole allies like Russia. How the mighty do fall.

  • jimmydoreisalefty
    -609 months ago

    These proxy war has helped push BRICS closer to each other, more than ever.

    Keeps looking like another endless war, with our help (US), like always.

      769 months ago

      The US helping a country defend from modern day imperialism is not a bad thing, you simple minded fool. Not ALL things the US does is bad.

      • CALIGVLA
        -19 months ago

        The US helping a country defend from modern day imperialism

        The irony is palpable.

        • Clarke
          79 months ago

          The US has always been the number one exporter of freedom we have been number two exporter of hypocrisy for almost as long.

        -29 months ago

        Yay the US defends Ukraine against imperialism while invading Iraq and Afghanistan and funding Syrian rebels in a gross display of imperialism. A broken clock is right twice a day.

      • jimmydoreisalefty
        -379 months ago

        You may think that, but most that have looked at both sides and other wars have learned to not trust gov’ts so blindly.

        We remember what is pushing China and Russia into more conflicts, while the poor die for the military industrial complex.

        Profit over people as always.

        Just to be clear, Putin and his oligarchy of henchmen are the problem.

        Regime wars do not help the people, it creates more death/starvation/migration and much more.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          269 months ago

          Regime wars do not help the people, it creates more death/starvation/migration and much more.

          I’m glad we agree Russia should leave Ukraine alone.

          • jimmydoreisalefty
            -279 months ago

            Golden Bridge is required for Russia to back down, unless they gain more area to land lock and then they may try to start peace talks agian.

              199 months ago

              Because Russia backed down the last time they took over land from Ukraine and gained Crimea… and they backed down the time they took over Ossettia from Georgia.

              If you give Russia anything just to stop this war, they’ll only come back to do it again because you will have taught them if they attack they will win something.

              • jimmydoreisalefty
                -129 months ago

                That is true.

                Just know animals bite when cornered, so golden bridge is required or expect a hostile response.

        • DarkGamer
          9 months ago

          Regime wars do not help the people, it creates more death/starvation/migration and much more.

          Neither does annexing your neighbor and committing war crimes, or turning a blind eye and allowing Russia to do this without consequence.

          • jimmydoreisalefty
            -149 months ago

            Look at what happened to: Finland vs Russia.

            Let me know if it can apply to this current proxy war.

            • DarkGamer
              9 months ago

              The rest of the world couldn’t assist because WWII was going on, and Simo Häyhä is long dead. Ignoring Russia at this point would be more like appeasement of Nazis as they annexed neighbors than it would be like the Winter War. Also, Finland lost 9% of its territory to Russia at the treaty ending it. This is not an acceptable outcome for Ukraine.

              • jimmydoreisalefty
                -169 months ago

                Then the war will continue until Russia gains the advantage or a golden bridge to backdown is offered.

                Superpowers do not backdown until they gain something.

                The US presidents used to be the ones to start peace talks, now they just start more wars.

                • DarkGamer
                  9 months ago

                  Then the war will continue until Russia gains the advantage or a golden bridge to backdown is offered.

                  These are not the only possible victory conditions, overwhelming defeat and expulsion of the occupiers would also end the war. Russia does not have limitless troops and resources, nor does their morale seem to be very high.

                  79 months ago

                  The USSR and the US both backed down in Afghanistan, gaining nothing.

                  The US also backed down in Vietnam, gaining nothing.

                  Ukraine is Russia’s Vietnam. They will leave Ukraine when they realize they will never gain anything by staying.

          • jimmydoreisalefty
            -179 months ago

            Only when Russia wins more land, until they reach the sea, peace talks will be talked about again.

            Superpowers do not back down without gaining something in return.

            The US president used to be the one to start talks instead of helping start more wars.

              • jimmydoreisalefty
                -109 months ago

                Come on now, no need to lie. Nuclear missles and other technology makes them superpowers.

                Seeing both sides can help get you out of the bubble of the US/NATO propaganda. They keep pushing for endless wars and profiting off of them, while the poor keep dying for the wealthy class.

                  109 months ago

                  Seeing both sides? OK, Russia wants to take over a country that isn’t theirs by murdering, raping, kidnapping, and destroying simply because Russia feels entitled to something it doesn’t have. US doesn’t want Russia to gain strength so they help to prevent/stop the murdering, raping, kidnapping, and destroying.

                  It’s almost like one side is doing something bad with bad intents while the other is doing something good with bad intents. I’m pretty sure I’ll approve of doing good things even if the motive isn’t pure.

                  39 months ago

                  Sorry but having nuclear weapons and ‘other technology’ doesn’t make a nation a super power. Outside of the cyber and disinformation realm they can barely exert influence outside of their own borders. You could even make the argument that they don’t even have complete control within their own borders as they have been unable to prevent attacks from occurring internally within their controlled territory.

                  A super power has complete sovereignty over their territories and global influence across multiple domains of which very very few countries could be considered to have that. Russia can barely project their power against what should have been a much weaker adversary. Also before you spout off some nonsense about the US/NATO arming Ukraine and unfairly tipping the scales… If Russia were a true superpower they would not only have the military ability to project their power but they could also use their soft power in building a coalition of nations to accomplish their goals. They have failed to do either at this point.

                • ANGRY_MAPLE
                  9 months ago

                  If nukes start to go flying, there will be no winner. The rest of the planet still exists, and many of them have nukes too.

                  It’s also not like every country would announce every strong secret weapon that they have, especially when wars are still happening.

              59 months ago

              What did the US gain in Vietnam?

              What did the USSR gain in Afghanistan?

              Superpowers have a long history of leaving quagmires with their tails tucked between their legs.