• Jordan Lund
        1010 months ago

        Minimum is being 35 and she’ll hit that 23 days before the election:

        October 13th, 1989.

      • @flossdaily@lemmy.world
        510 months ago

        Sure she does. The issue is that she won’t run against a sitting Democratic president.

        My hope is that she runs in 4 years. I can’t think of anyone who would even come close to being as good a candidate or president.

        • iAmTheTot
          010 months ago

          No, there’s literally minimum requirements to be president that she will not fulfill. Namely, her age.

      • @flossdaily@lemmy.world
        1910 months ago

        Useless? Why? Because they are choosing party unity to prevent the country falling into the hands of a fascist criminal?

        Give me a break. I don’t like Biden one bit, but NO ONE was going to dethrone him in a primary, so it’s better that they go into this with a united front.

        • @_number8_@lemmy.world
          410 months ago

          i mean sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s not depressing that BIDEN is the most progressive we’re allowed to be until january 2029

          • Billiam
            310 months ago

            Biden is the most progressive we’re ever gonna have until something is done about Congress (specifically the Senate) and House representation re: the Apportionment act and gerrymandering.

            As long as it still takes Dems 60%+ of the vote to get a bare majority in Congress, it’s not going to get any better.

        • jimmydoreisalefty
          -1510 months ago

          Useless is useless. Only reason we were for him was to fight against the blues to push for real change.

          Instead he gives in to the DNS/Biden/Obama democrats and demolishes the grassroots movement many of us put a lot of time to help build.

          He is now just another politician pushing for the lesser of two evils spiel.