Former President Donald Trump’s supporters say they hold him as a source of true information over their family, friends, and religious leaders, according to a new CBS News/YouGov poll out on Sunday.

  • jimmydoreisalefty
    610 months ago

    It is sad to hear how we let the wealthy class and politicians divide us on culture wars and identity politics.

    We should be talking more to the people we don’t agree with and come together over class lines, working class vs. wealthy class.

    Trump and Sanders were both able to create a grassroots movement for a reason.

    Talking is the way to get to what we share in common, instead we focus on what we disagree on.

      10 months ago

      That’s a nice sentiment, but there’s no talking to these people. They WILL NOT listen to their family or friends. Any information they absorb must be from Fox News, Trump himself, or the other far right information platforms.

      They don’t live on the same level of logic that the rest of us do and approaching them with logic only angers and confuses them. They become belligerent, obtuse, and steadfast in their views. It can’t be broken through logic because it’s a cult and they’re not operating with logic.

      My father is also one of these people.

      • jimmydoreisalefty
        19 months ago

        Never easy to change peoples view.

        It is mostly listening and findimg common ground.

        Then after trust is earned push back can happen.

        This takes a lot of effort and time.

      210 months ago

      Unfortunately you are right. But haters and bigots don’t want to talk about bettering themselves, they want destruction of what they don’t like.

      I miss the 80’s and 90’s where people had their differences but listened to the other side without whataboutisms or evil rhetoric.

      • jimmydoreisalefty
        19 months ago

        Never easy changing peoples view.

        Initially, it is mostly listening and seeing where you sharensome views on.

        It takes a lot of effort to be able to speak with people and change their views.