I introduce myself: I am Galician and citizen of the World. Proud father. I love science (specially astronomy), technology, nature and photography. I play padel and surf and whenever I can I escape with my camper van.
You’re right. In fact, in the place there are many more eroded stones with shapes that recall strange and ancient beings (or parts of them). Although the pareidolia will have a lot of the blame 😅
Try this mastodon link:
Yes, it is the same kind if stone and the same “sculptor”
I have used CircuitPython in some projects, especially with my children. Python was easier for them than C. For small projects (domestic sensor, remote control car,…) there is no difference in performance. For those use cases that are more demanding and squeeze the possibilities of the SoC to the maximum, obviously, it is not worth it. Taking this into account, I think it is an alternative for many DIY projects that are being done out there
I agree. It is more a curiosity thing than a real life project. But it helps to show the potential of this SoCs and it is a good practice for a lot of things.
There are free IoT cloud solutions to send and receive data and that work with MQTT protocol for this purpose.
I don’t use conda actually (I did in the past), but I think you could try:
conda shell.bash activate project0
You must see the paths and config used to activate the environment. Check all is fine.
Source: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/dev-guide/deep-dives/activation.html
What command did you use to activate project0?
Yes, you can. Python has Email package to manage email through STMP protocol. I use it daily in my scripts. Attached link is a tutorial of Real Python:
I hope this change doesn’t be approved. Wolves are critical for a healthy ecosystem.
Yes, the idea is use in the future Output.status as a way to route to different pages depending of the model result. For example, when /list endpoint is called I could return 1 to show the feed list, and 2 to render a page with a message and suggestions when the feed list is empty. The same with negative numbers but for errors.
Fluent Python is another good book to learn Python. It is very clear and it has a lot of examples.
Thanks! I will try it. I was an user of this sw but recently I have moved to Pyto as it has more libraries (OpenCV, etc), pip support and a newer Python version. Pythonista has its pros too.
I find it very interesting and I want to do one with my kids. The guide is good from a step by step point of view about how to make one, but I think a couple of examples about what kind of data can someone get with it and what can someone expect to “view” could be very helpfull too
After preview it will be a paid subscription additional to Office365, the same strategy as Office Copilot. I hate this policy of pay for a product then still paid for more functionalities… at the end of the year you will have paid a lot.
Microsoft says Python in Excel will be included in a Microsoft 365 subscription during the preview, but “some functionality will be restricted without a paid license” after the preview ends.
I fully agree with the post. Except for a fast prototyping or a short personal script where it could be not necessary, type hint is a must. The subject is not only to guarantee that the program now runs without errors, but it will be still working right in the future too, even after a developer (either the original or other) make changes to the code.
I have used goto instruction a lot when I started to program in Basic ( an Amstrad CPC 🥹). In this context goto had logic. But in modern languages like python I think it is a very bad idea:
You can use global variables, it is true, but I prefer singleton because I have all config variables and logic encapsulated in a class. The first time the singleton object is created it reads all the config variables from a file, and with its methods get and set manages them. The Config class doesn’t know the parameters names of the config file neither the number, it dynamically reads the file and creates the attributes, so It is a very reusable code that when you program using OOP is a more natural way than implementing like a module.
Related to this, I group config variables by sections so it is more clearly for me, then the singleton object dynamically creates an array for each section, and a variable into the array for every variable in this section of the config file. Access to the config info is as easy like this:
conf = Config()
conf.get('DB', 'server')
conf.get('DB', 'login')
conf.get('DB', 'password')